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Spotlight On


Flag of the American Indian Movement (AIM)
Anti-Vietnam War demonstration in Dinkytown
Guadalupe Area Project booth at Neighborhood House career expo
Black and white photograph of National Guardsmen patrolling Plymouth Avenue in North Minneapolis, July 1967.
Black and white photograph of a Fourth of July festival at Co-opMesaba Park, 1937.
Black and white photograph of Anti-pornography activists at Chicago Avenue and Lake Street, c.1980.
Seven of the Minnesota Eight
Black and white photograph of the Minnesota Freedom Riders on July 26, 1961.
Students rallying in front of Morrill Hall
Black and white photograph of NFO farmers and creamery employees ride a bulk truck out to milk dumping site on the Martin Lampi farm near Annandale on March 7, 1963.
This December 1977 "Special Edition" of the Hold That Line newsletter is titled "Powerline News, Elrosa, MN." Some of its articles encourage a moratorium on construction and a "science court" evaluation; others address size of power lines and encourage continued protest. Names mentioned include Randy Fischer, John Tripp, Steffen Pederson, Rudy Perpich, and Ira Emmons. Hold That Line was the newsletter of the local movement to protest the construction of a direct-current power line across rural Minnesota by
Photograph of Alice Tripp

African American Arts and Culture

Hallie Q. Brown House staff, 1935
Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis
Gordon Parks
Black and white photograph of Gertrude Brown with children at Phyllis Wheatley House, ca. 1924.
Penumbra Theatre Company, ca. 1990
J. Otis Powell‽, ca. 2014. Photograph by Eric Lorberer.
Prince performing “Purple Rain” at First Avenue, 1983.
Color image of the Sabathanites Drum Corps marching in parade in Minneapolis, ca. early 2000s. Photographed by Suluki Fardan.
Harry Shepherd, 1906. Photo from the Appeal, August 18, 1906.
Black and white publicity photograph of Hilda Simms, c.1955.

Burial Sites

Color image of a memorial inside Carson Mennonite Brethren Church Cemetery, August 25, 2013.
Color image of Indian Mounds Park, 2016. Photograph by Paul Nelson.
Color image of a Dakota summer lodge, ca. 1846–1848. Watercolor painting by Seth Eastman.
Color image of a roken headstone at Pioneers and Soldiers Memorial Cemetery in Minneapolis, 2016. Photographed by Paul Nelson.
Color image of Oakland Cemetery, St. Paul
Aerial view of Prairie Home Cemetery
Gravestones awaiting installation outside Fergus Falls State Hospital

Cities of Greater Minnesota

Color image of B’nai Israel Synagogue and Dan Abraham Cultural Center, c.2013.
Colorized postcard of the Duluth Armory, c.1920.
Duluth ship canal being dug
Duluth Incline
Color image of the north façade of the Faribault Woolen Mill Company, 2011.
Color image of the Hopperstad Stave Church Replica, 2011. Photograph by Flickr user Steve Borsch.
Merchants National Bank, Winona
Old Main, Mankato Normal School
Colonial Hotel being moved to new site, Hibbing
Chick Simunek is greeted at home plate after hitting a grand slam during a June 20, 1951 game at Rox Stadium, 1951.
Willmar 8 on the picket line
Winona Normal School

Civil War

Samuel Bloomer, Company B, First Minnesota
Black and white photograph of Major Brackett and his aide, Van Garren, at a camp in Dakota Territory, 1864.
William Colvill
Color image of 1st Battery Minnesota Light Artillery battle flag.
Battle of Gettysburg oil painting by Rufus Zogbaum
Black and white photograph of an exterior view of Fort Snelling showing the Round Tower, 1863.
Black and white photograph of Lieutenant Josias King, 1862.
Private Adam Marty of the First Minnesota, Company B.
Halvor H. Quie, ca. 1910.
Black and white photograph of the Second Minnesota Artillery monument at Chickamauga, Georgia, taken c.1890.
Second Minnesota Regiment at Mission Ridge, Nov. 25, 1863
Third Minnesota Volunteer Infantry Entering Little Rock


Worker monitoring a machine inside the 3M plant in New Ulm, July 1974. Public domain. From the records of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 1944–2006, National Archives record group 412.
American Crystal Sugar factory, Moorhead
Bongards' Creameries
Color illustration of three styles of rug manufactured by the Crex Carpet Company.
Black and white photograph of the expanded downtown store complex, c.1938. The  original store is in the darker shade.
Black and white photograph of Donaldson’s Glass Block, c.1920. Photograph by Charles P. Gibson.
Black and white photograph of research and development division, Economics Laboratory, 1938.
Color image of the north façade of the Faribault Woolen Mill Company, 2011.
Stacking cartons of Green Giant peas and corn, Minnesota Valley Canning Company, LeSueur.
Color image of a Gedney's Pantry Pickles label, c.1935.
Photograph of a stagecoach bound from Alexandria to Melrose, 1876.
advertising image of father and children wearing Munsingwear long underwear
Mesaba Transportation Company buses and drivers, 1918
Northrup King Dahlia seed packet
Color image of a Northwest Orient Airlines menu, c.1970.
Samuel C. and Annie Pandolfo, in Pan Car, visiting St. Cloud, March 1956


Black and white photograph of Frances E. Andrews, ca. 1907.
Black and white photograph of Mrs. Cornelius and son standing by their log house, homesteaded in 1912.
Color image of Iron Lake, Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, 2012.
Entrance to the Carlos Avery Game Farm
Cedar Bog Lake
Black and white photograph of Civilian Conservation Corps workers building a road near Roosevelt, Minnesota, ca. 1933. Photographed by J. A.Gjelhaug.
Black and white photograph of Jacob Brower at the Lake Itasca basin at DeSoto Lake, 1889.
Nerstrand Big Woods State Park’s Hidden Falls, date unknown. Prairie Creek flows over the broad limestone ledge. The pool below the falls was at one time a favorite swimming spot. Used with the permission of Rice County Historical Society.
Headwaters of the Mississippi River
Black and white photograph of the Marcell Ranger Station, c.1994.
Riverside trail in William O’Brien State Park
Ernest Oberholtzer, 1940
Overhead view of Voyageurs National Park
Lake in the White Earth Reservation of Ojibwe

Court Cases

Black and white photograph of Jack Baker and James Michael McConnell applying for a marriage license in Minneapolis, 1970.
Black and white photograph of entrance to Winslow House, St. Anthony. 1860 photo by William H. Jacoby.
Black and white photograph of Joseph Gilbert seated, c.1925.
Photograph of St. Louis County Courthouse and Duluth City Hall
Black and white photograph of the Reverend Bernt J. Muus, c.1875.
Black and white image of the editorial page of the Minneapolis Saturday Press, October 25, 1927.
Black and white photograph of Socialist Workers Party members, ca.1941.
Button produced by the Minnesota Smoke-Free Coalition
Photograph of Joseph Israel Lobdell, also called Lucy Ann and La-Roi Lobell, ca. 1854.
photograph of Reserve Mining Company train
Children’s meal in Cambridge State Hospital

Crime in the 1920s and 1930s

Reward poster for Alvin Karpis and Fred Barker
Kid Cann
Nina Clifford’s brothel at 147 South Washington Avenue in St. Paul, down the street from Ida Dorsey’s brothel at 151 South Washington Avenue. Photograph by A. F. Raymond, 1937.
Color scan of a Wanted for Bank Robbery poster, 1930.
Black and white photograph of a group of people dismantling a still at Pillsbury and Charles Streets in St. Paul, c.1925.
Black and white image of the editorial page of the Minneapolis Saturday Press, October 25, 1927.
Black and white photograph of John O'Connor during the height of his power in St. Paul, c.1912.
Photograph of John J. O'Connor’s chief-of-police badge
Black and white portrait of Edward Foote Waite, 1918.
Photograph of William Nash


Beaded bag made by Margeurite Metivier (Dakota), ca.1860.
Dakota cradleboard ornament with quillwork
Color image of a Dakota summer lodge, ca. 1846–1848. Watercolor painting by Seth Eastman.
Watercolor on paper depicting Chief Wabasha’s village on the Mississippi River. Painted c.1845 by Seth Eastman.
Dakota lace makers, including Maggie Whipple
Color image of the Lower Sioux Agency Warehouse, 2012
Color image of a pipe quarry pit, Pipestone National Monument, 2009. Photograph by the National Park Service.
Gabriel Renville
Color lithograph of Red Wing's village in 1855.
Mendota from Fort Snelling
Treaty of Traverse des Sioux
Ernest Wabasha
Hand written document recognizing "Wahcoota" as Tatanka Mani's successor, May 17, 1829.
Reconstructed Lac qui Parle Mission

Dakota and Ojibwe History After 1900

Flag of the American Indian Movement (AIM)
Postcard with photograph of AIM Patrol poster, 1991.
Pat Bellanger, ca. 1977
CCC-ID workers from Nett Lake
Edna Larrabee and Beulah Brunelle
A student and teacher at the Heart of the Earth Survival School
Nathan Whitefeather and family
Maude Kegg at Mille Lacs
Jim Northrup, ca. 2010s. Photograph by Ivy Vainio. Used with the permission of Ivy Vainio.
George. Morrison
Mille Lacs Indian Trading Post, 1929
photograph of ruth myers
Lawrence Vizenor
Ernest Wabasha
William Little Wolf, ca. 1917
Lake in the White Earth Reservation of Ojibwe

Disability History

Aerial view of Anoka State Hospital, 1937.
Black and white photograph of the interior of the Artificial Limb Company, Minneapolis, 1918.
Charles Thompson Memorial Hall
Lydia B. Angier
Charles F. Dight
Members and staff of the Minnesota Board of Control in Faribault, 1936. Fourteenth from the left in the bottom row is Mildred Thomson.
Fergus Falls Regional Treatment Center
Gravestones awaiting installation outside Fergus Falls State Hospital
Black and white photograph of women reading in library, Rochester State Hospital, c.1930.
Minnesota State Hospital for the Insane, 1867
Children’s meal in Cambridge State Hospital
Bird’s-eye view of Willmar State Hospital, 1962

Elections and Politicians

Color image of Minnesota state senator Mee Moua speaks at a rally on October 30, 2008, in support of Barack Obama, Al Franken, and other Democratic candidates.
Black and white photograph of Hubert Humphrey, c.1968.
Black and white photograph of Eugene McCarthy, 1971. Photograph by Haines Photo Company.
Black and white photograph of Governor Elmer Benson speaking at a Farmer-Labor state convention in Duluth, 1938.
Photograph of Coya Knutson
Campaign poster for gubernatorial candidate Wendell Anderson, 1970.
Governor Mark Dayton delivering an address to state legislators
Interior of the Exposition Hall, Republican National Convention, Minneapolis
Black and white photograph of Harold Stassen signing a bill into law, 1941.
Paul Wellstone’s official U.S. Senate portrait, taken c.1996.
Black and white photograph of John Frank Wheaton, c.1899.

Epidemics and Public Health

 ACT UP handbill
World War I soldiers from Windom (Cottonwood County)
Influenza awareness poster
Mayo Clinic, Rochester
State Sanatorium, Cass County
Norwegian leprosy patient
Civil War surgical instruments and case
Black and white image of <em>St.Paul Daily News</em> about children getting vaccinated. November 6, 1924.
Minneapolis Board of Health member giving vaccinations
15th regiment moved from Camp Ramsey on the State Fairgrounds to try and control the spread of typhoid fever.

Extreme Weather and Natural Disasters

Black and white photograph of destruction caused by the 1887 fire in Cannon Falls.
Survivors of the Chandler–Lake Wilson Tornado inspect damaged property in the aftermath of the storm, June 1992.
photograph of Dawson school with children playing in the snow.
Black and white photograph of people and ruins after the fire, 1918.
Train blocked by snow near Windom
Black and white photograph of flood at Chaska, 1965.
Aerial view of Fridley tornado damage
View of the Hinckley main street the morning after the fire, 1894.
Color image of Jack-o'-lanterns covered in snow during the Halloween Blizzard, 1991. Photograph by Richard Sennott, RPA, Minneapolis Star Tribune.
Black and white photograph of the Milford Mine, 1936.
Cole's Mill after cyclone, Rochester.
Black and white photograph of the steamer Sea Wing, c.1889.
Black and white photograph of the Hesper, c.1900.
Photograph of badly damaged house.
Black and white photograph of Staples train depot, c.1929. Initial reports of damage at the depot proved to be exaggerated.
Sherman House Hotel


Black and white photograph of a starving farm family who appealed for aid, Hollandale, Freeborn County, 1929.
Colorized Washburn-Crosby Flour Mills advertisement for Gold Medal Flour, Threshing Scene, unknown location.
Aronia berries
Photograph of Farm Bureau parade float
Foreclosure auction poster
Crowd gathering outside for Farmers' Institute meeting in Badger, Minnesota.
Xee Yang harvesting kale flowers
Late 1860s photograph showing barges along Red Wing's Mississippi River waterfront awaiting wheat for shipment to customers downriver.
Matt and Kaisa Hill farmhouse (21A)
Black and white photograph of NFO farmers and creamery employees ride a bulk truck out to milk dumping site on the Martin Lampi farm near Annandale on March 7, 1963.
Black and white photograph of Entomology professor Henry C. Chiang (left) inspecting corn stalks for signs of corn borers with F. G. Holdaway and Jeanne Marie Hellberg, 1951.
Black and white photograph of Martin Carlsted turning the handle of a manual corn sheller to remove kernels, c.1910.
Color image of a Minnesota State Grange picnic held on the Sletton Farm in Aitkin on June 13, 2015.
Black and white photograph of young bakers participating in a bread-making demonstration at the 1918 Minnesota State Fair.


Color portraits of Betty Crocker, 1936–1981.
Bongards' Creameries
Clarks Grove Cooperative Creamery
Field of hybrid corn, ca. 1945.
Stacking cartons of Green Giant peas and corn, Minnesota Valley Canning Company, LeSueur.
Color image of a Gedney's Pantry Pickles label, c.1935.
Photograph of three Egekvist Bakery store clerks, 1947.
Color poster produced for the National War Garden Commission. Designed by illustrator James Montgomery Flagg, c.1918.
Photograph of Mickey's Diner taken on July 16, 1975 by Steve Plattner.
Cover of a brochure published by Swift & Company, a national meatpacker and margarine producer with operations in St. Paul. From the Davis, Kellogg & Severance Law Firm Records, 1878-1941, Minnesota Historical Society.
Two men posing next to a Ry-Krisp batter-mixing machine.
SPAM bank
Peter M. Gideon
Wheaties box featuring athlete and Olympic gold medalist Jim Thorpe, 2001.

Fur Trade

La Pointe, Madeline Island, Lake Superior, Wisconsin.
Sepia-colored photograph of Charles Bonga
Google map of the Cadotte Post site with overlay of Douglas Birk’s 1972 sketch and an approximation of the location of the survey grid.
Two fur traders
Tanned muskrat pelts
Beginning of the Grand Portage trail
Color image of the excavation unit at Réaume site, 2011.
Site map of Little Round Hill, 1992.
Black and white photograph of an unidentified Métis fur trader of Indian and French Ancestry, ca. 1870.
St. Louis River, 2018. Photograph by Jon Lurie; used with the permission of Jon Lurie.
Black and white photograph of a man and a Red River cart train, ca. 1859. Photograph by Martin’s Gallery.
Map of locations important to the early 1800s fur trade in present-day Minnesota and Wisconsin. Drawn by David Geister, ca. 2000.
Black and white carte-de-visite photograph of Henry H. Sibley, c.1870.

Immigrants and Refugees

Black and white photograph of G.O. Miller store in Vasa.
Black and white photograph of children attending a child's birthday party c.1912.
Color image of a Hmong American boy in traditional clothing. Photographed by Vue Xiong, c.1992.
Black and white photograph of a Slovenian wedding in Eveleth, 1908
Black and white photograph of a Hmong Celebration, Frogtown, 1993. Photograph by Wing Young Huie.
Black and white photograph of Warren and Mary Amanda Braman, ca. 1880s–1890s. From the collection of CarrieJo Cowler.
Black and white photograph of Young Mexican American women in Minnesota, c. 1950.
Photograph of the Ellefson homestead
Stephen Kulieke (center bottom) with Cuban refugees
Photograph of Ilhan Omar
Mrs. Thomas Yamazaki with her daughters Luanne (left) and Aveline (right) at the St. Paul Resettlement Hostel
Children of Governor Adolph Eberhart

Indigenous Women and Women of Color

Intersection of Sixth and Minnesota Streets, St. Paul
Pat Bellanger, ca. 1977
Image of Ida Dorsey’s bordello at 212 Eleventh Avenue South, Minneapolis. Photograph by Wikimedia Commons user McGhiever, February 19, 2019. CC BY-SA 4.0
Edna Larrabee and Beulah Brunelle
Dakota cradleboard ornament with quillwork
Virginia Lane in uniform
Irene Gomez-Bethke
Black and white photograph of entrance to Winslow House, St. Anthony. 1860 photo by William H. Jacoby.
Anna Arnold Hedgeman, ca. 1950s. Used with the permission of Hamline University.
Maude Kegg at Mille Lacs
Dakota lace makers, including Maggie Whipple
Black and white photograph of Ethel Ray (later Ethel Ray Nance), 1917. From the 1917 Duluth Central High School yearbook, Zenith.
Mi Peru-MN members holding a banner
Sacred Earth, Ragamala Dance Company
Black and white publicity photograph of Hilda Simms, c.1955.
Ruth Nomura's college graduation photo


Colorvision Cake advertisement
Color image of a Bundt cake pan, May 11, 2005.
Honeycrisp apple
Black and white photograph of Honeywell Round thermostats ready for final checkout and packaging at a factory in Golden Valley, c.1955.
Screenshot from opening menu of Oregon Trail for Windows, 1995.
Nut Goodie candy bar. Photo by Wikimedia Commons user Evan-Amos, December 12 ,2010.
1964 Polaris sales brochure. From “Pamphlets relating to snowmobiles and snow cruisers, 1939–.” Pamphlets collection (TL234), Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.
Color image of an early version of a Post-it Note, 1986.
Two men posing next to a Ry-Krisp batter-mixing machine.
photograph of a scotch tape dispenser, circa 1960
SPAM bank
Black and white photograph of Frederick McKinley Jones standing next to a truck outfitted with a mobile refrigeration unit, c.1950.
Toastmaster manufactured in 1921
Wheaties box featuring athlete and Olympic gold medalist Jim Thorpe, 2001.

Iron Range

Map showing the locations of the Vermillion, Mesabi, and Cuyuna Iron Ranges of Minnesota.
Black and white photograph of a 221 "Yellowstone" steam locomotive, 1940.
View of Highway 61 from John A. Latsch State Park
Black and white photograph of a Slovenian wedding in Eveleth, 1908
Photograph of St. Louis County Courthouse and Duluth City Hall
Black and white photograph of Hibbing's Agudath Achim Synagogue taken in August of 1972.
Color image of the rocky shoreline in Lake Vermilion–Soudan Underground Mine State Park. Photograph by Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Staff.
Matt and Kaisa Hill farmhouse (21A)
Sepia photograph of the Merritt family some twenty years before they began mining operations on the Mesabi, 1871.
The Hull-Rust-Mahoning mine in Hibbing, Minnesota, is the largest open-pit iron mine in Minnesota. As of 2020, material is still mined from the complex by Hibbing Taconite, or HibTac. Photograph by Wikimedia Commons user Chipcity, August 7, 2010. CC BY-SA 3.0.
Blast hole drilling crew at the Mahoning Mine, Hibbing
Black and white photograph of miners inside the Fayal mine in Eveleth, 1915. Photographed by William F. Roleff.
Mesaba Transportation Company buses and drivers, 1918
Colonial Hotel being moved to new site, Hibbing
Tower-Soudan Mine
Mine in the Vermilion Range

Jewish Community Organizations

Black and white photograph of Samuel Deinard.
Black and white photograph of a chess game at the Jewish Educational Center, Saint Paul c.1930.
Black and white photograph of booth staffed by members of the JCRC/ADL at the Minnesota State Fair, c.1986.
Black and white photograph of Hibbing's Agudath Achim Synagogue taken in August of 1972.
Black and white photograph of Neighborhood House, St. Paul, 1924.
Black and white photograph of residents of the Jewish Sheltering Home for Children in Minneapolis, c.1925.
Black and white photograph of a staff member administering a vocational test at the Jewish Vocational Society of St. Paul, undated.
Black and white photograph of campers cooking outdoors at Dick Butwin Day Camp, 1967.
Black and white photograph of attendees of the Semi-Annual Conference of the Northwestern District Organization Committee of the Workmen's Circle, held in St. Paul on September 1, 1918.
Black and white photograph of Mount Sinai Hospital, c.1950
Black and white photograph of girls with dolls at the Emanuel Cohen Center in Minneapolis c.1925.
Black and white photograph of women in the Jewish Home for the Aged, St. Paul, 1925.

Lake Superior (Gichigami)

La Pointe, Madeline Island, Lake Superior, Wisconsin.
Duluth ship canal being dug
Birney Quick painting a landscape out in nature, along the shore of a lake, with pine trees in the background.
Beginning of the Grand Portage trail
Bird’s-eye view of the reconstructed Grand Lodge on Grand Portage Bay
Lower and  upper Gooseberry Falls
Photograph of Bert Onsgard with Billy the deer, Lake Superior Zoo, 1923.
Coast Guard surf boat
Black and white photograph of the Hesper, c.1900.
Color photograph of Split Rock Lighthouse, c.2000
Color image of the Stickney Inn and Store, looking east, July 2014. Photographed by Amy Lucas.


Colorized postcard of the Duluth Armory, c.1920.
Foshay Tower
Color image of Schott Barn with its roof intact, c.1985.
Glensheen, 2015.
Bird’s-eye view of the reconstructed Grand Lodge on Grand Portage Bay
Beltrami County History Museum (Old Great Northern Depot, Bemidji)
Highland Park Water Tower, 2018
Color image of the Hopperstad Stave Church Replica, 2011. Photograph by Flickr user Steve Borsch.
Jun Fujita’s cabin
Color image of the Minnesota Building, 2009.
Color image of a pipe quarry pit, Pipestone National Monument, 2009. Photograph by the National Park Service.
Prospect Park Water Tower, Minneapolis
Color image of the Round Tower at Historic Fort Snelling, 2010. Photograph by Wikimedia Commons user Jonathunder.
Exterior view of the Socialist Opera building in Virginia, Minnesota.
Color photograph of Split Rock Lighthouse, c.2000
Color image of the Winona Masonic Temple, c.1998.

Latinos and Chicanos

Brown Berets marching with flags
Centro Tyrone Guzman
Guadalupe Area Project booth at Neighborhood House career expo
Front facade of the St. Paul headquarters of CLUES
Scan of cover of Chicano Studies 1975 departmental brochure of classes (University of Minnesota)
Irene Gomez-Bethke
Mario Duarte in the La Prensa office
Mi Peru-MN members holding a banner
Black and white photograph of a Mexican American migrant farm worker harvesting asparagus near Owatonna, ca. 1955.
Color image of MCLA staff visit Willmar, Minnesota, for a listening session with residents, June 6, 2017. Used with the permission of the Minnesota Council on Latino Affairs.
Black and white photograph of Young Mexican American women in Minnesota, c. 1950.
Detail of Aztec City
Stephen Kulieke (center bottom) with Cuban refugees
Family members reunited after the Worthington ICE raid

Law Enforcement

Postcard with photograph of AIM Patrol poster, 1991.
Intersection of Sixth and Minnesota Streets, St. Paul
Color scan of a Wanted for Bank Robbery poster, 1930.
John’s Bar and Funhouse (2500 Marshall Street Northeast, Minneapolis), April 2, 1953. Photograph by the Minneapolis Star Tribune.
Black and white photograph of Anna Sheerin Lowe, ca. 1895–1900.
Photograph of John Lyght, 1984
Black and white photograph of the Minnesota Home Guard on parade in St. Paul, 1917.
Black and white photograph of John O'Connor during the height of his power in St. Paul, c.1912.
St. Paul Police Deputy James S. Griffin sitting at his desk, ca. 1960s. From box 1 of the James S. Griffin papers (P1679), Manuscripts Collection, Minnesota Historical Society.
Photograph of John J. O'Connor’s chief-of-police badge
Family members reunited after the Worthington ICE raid
Photograph of William Nash


Intersection of Sixth and Minnesota Streets, St. Paul
Black and white photograph of Jack Baker and James Michael McConnell applying for a marriage license in Minneapolis, 1970.
Portrait of Ruth Boynton from 1920.
Brian Coyle, 1989
Gratia Alta Countryman
Edna Larrabee and Beulah Brunelle
William Williams in the county jail, 1905
Black and white photograph of Allan Spear, 1997. Photographed by Minnesota Senate photographer.
David Madson
Ernest Oberholtzer, 1940
Big Point, Leech Lake (Gaa-zagaskwaajimekaag)
Stephen Kulieke (center bottom) with Cuban refugees
Photograph of Joseph Israel Lobdell, also called Lucy Ann and La-Roi Lobell, ca. 1854.
Black and white photograph of Evangeline Whipple, ca. 1896.


Governor David M. Clough
Virginia and Rainy Lake Lumber Camp 39, about one mile north of Echo Lake, ca. 1916. Visible are the root house (in the foreground, next to the office) and the filling shack. Photograph Collection, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul
Hot pond and log storage for the new mill of the Northern Lumber Company
Black and white scan of a cartoon from the Seattle Industrial Worker, February 3, 1917.
Black-and-white paper poster advertising a lecture appearance by Frank E. Higgings, c.1909.
Paul Bunyan artwork by William B. Laughead
Sawmill on the Red Lake Indian Reservation
photograph depicting a road through a grove of trees
Michigan strikers reading bulletin board at strike headquarters, Marenisco, Michigan.
T. B. Walker
Black and white photograph of Frederick Weyerhaeuser, ca. 1900


Wheat harvest at G.S. Barnes and Company farm
Black and white photograph of Red Wing riverfront including remnants of Red Wing Mills, c.1885.
William DeLaBarre
Late 1860s photograph showing barges along Red Wing's Mississippi River waterfront awaiting wheat for shipment to customers downriver.
Lincoln Mill, Anoka, Minnesota
Labor Day parade, Minneapolis
Black and white photograph of the West Side Milling District, Minneapolis, ca. 1920. Photograph by Hibbard Studio.
Pillsbury-related, Charles Alfred Pillsbury, reprint, unknown location
Freeport Mill.
Black and white image of an artist's depiction of the Washburn A Mill explosion, 1878.
Wheaties box featuring athlete and Olympic gold medalist Jim Thorpe, 2001.


United States Steel’s Extaca plant, 1960. The Oliver Mining Division of USS built the Extaca plant to accompany the Pilotac plant in the development of feasible taconite processing methods.
Photograph of Chester A. Congdon in 1909.
Map showing the locations of the Vermillion, Mesabi, and Cuyuna Iron Ranges of Minnesota.
Black and white photograph of a 221 "Yellowstone" steam locomotive, 1940.
Photograph of St. Louis County Courthouse and Duluth City Hall
Sepia photograph of the Merritt family some twenty years before they began mining operations on the Mesabi, 1871.
The Hull-Rust-Mahoning mine in Hibbing, Minnesota, is the largest open-pit iron mine in Minnesota. As of 2020, material is still mined from the complex by Hibbing Taconite, or HibTac. Photograph by Wikimedia Commons user Chipcity, August 7, 2010. CC BY-SA 3.0.
Blast hole drilling crew at the Mahoning Mine, Hibbing
Black and white photograph of miners inside the Fayal mine in Eveleth, 1915. Photographed by William F. Roleff.
Black and white photograph of the Milford Mine, 1936.
Oliver Mining Company steam-powered shovel near Hibbing, 1919. A shovel removes overburden, the rock and soil that covers the ore body, so that miners can access the ore from the open pit.
Photograph of Leonidas Merritt, c.1919.
Color image of a pipe quarry pit, Pipestone National Monument, 2009. Photograph by the National Park Service.
Colonial Hotel being moved to new site, Hibbing
Tower-Soudan Mine
photograph of Reserve Mining Company train

Mississippi River (Wakpa Tanka; Gichi-ziibi)

Color image of the Anoka–Champlin Mississippi River Bridge carrying U.S. Route 169, 2013. Photographed by Wikimedia Commons user McGhiever.
Dam, Coon Rapids.
Wakan Ozanzan’s village
Black and white photograph of the Hennepin Bridge from Nicollet Island, c.1868.
Gull Lake Dam
postcard photograph showing Barn Bluff limestone formation
View of the collapsed I-35W bridge (Bridge 9340) on August 1, 2007. Photograph by Heather Munro.
Winnibigoshish Dam.
Volunteers Answer "Bird" Call - Newspaper photograph of a man washing off a duck
Color image of a National Eagle Center employee shows a bald eagle to visitors during a 2015 educational program.
Nymore Bridge
Big Point, Leech Lake (Gaa-zagaskwaajimekaag)
Black and white photo print of a drawing the state capitol c.1853–1873.
Break in the tunnel, St. Anthony Falls

Monuments and Memorials

Columbus Memorial
 Calvin Griffith memorial
Clayton Jackson McGhie Memorial
“Charles A. Lindbergh—The Boy and the Man”
Bird’s-eye view of the reconstructed Grand Lodge on Grand Portage Bay
Color image of the Hermann Monument, New Ulm, 2011. Photograph by Adam C. Smith.
Iron Man statue on top of the Iron Man Memorial
Knute Nelson Memorial (front view)
The Minnesota Woman Suffrage Memorial on the northeast corner of the upper state capitol mall, 2019. Photo by Linda A. Cameron.
Color image of a quilt panel memorializing 212 Minnesotans who had died of AIDS, 1988.
Color image of a roken headstone at Pioneers and Soldiers Memorial Cemetery in Minneapolis, 2016. Photographed by Paul Nelson.
Shaynowishkung (Chief Bemidji) statue


Dominick Argento
Michelle Leon, Lori Barbero, and Kat Bjelland perform at a warehouse party, 1989. Photographed by Katie O’Brien.
Scan of the cover of a 1985 calendar commemorating the 300th birthday of J. S. Bach
The Beatles performing at Metropolitan Stadium
F. Melius Christiansen
Photograph of he Great Western Band, St. Paul, 1868.
Hüsker Dü concert poster, 1986
Black and white photograph of Florence Macbeth taken c.1915-1920.
Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis
Roméo et Juliet
Black and white photograph of the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra on stage, c.1912.
Prince performing “Purple Rain” at First Avenue, 1983.
Schubert Club Board
Black and white photograph of the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra on stage, ca. 1959.

Native Heritage Month

Flag of the American Indian Movement (AIM)
Postcard with photograph of AIM Patrol poster, 1991.
CCC-ID workers from Nett Lake
Beaded bag made by Margeurite Metivier (Dakota), ca.1860.
Black-and-white photograph of a Ho-Chunk (Winnebago) encampment taken by Whitney's Gallery, c.1865.
Nathan Whitefeather and family
Color image of a Dakota summer lodge, ca. 1846–1848. Watercolor painting by Seth Eastman.
Digitally enhanced petroglyphs
Watercolor on paper depicting Chief Wabasha’s village on the Mississippi River. Painted c.1845 by Seth Eastman.
Site map of Little Round Hill, 1992.
Maggie Sengoge and Porky White making maple sugar
Black and white photograph of an unidentified Métis fur trader of Indian and French Ancestry, ca. 1870.
Mille Lacs Indian Trading Post, 1929
State Representatives Keeler, Kozlowski, and Becker-Finn during House debate on MIFPA
Black and white photograph of “intermediate” students inside a classroom at an Native American boarding school in Beaulieu, c.1900.
Photograph of Ojibwe family
Ball Play (La Crosse)

Natural Wonders

postcard photograph showing Barn Bluff limestone formation
Color image of Morton gneiss used on the façade of the West Publishing Company building in St. Paul, 2016. Photograph by Paul Nelson.
Niagara Cave Halls
Color image of the Helen Allison Savanna Scientific and Natural Area, Anoka County, ca. 2010.
Color image of a pipe quarry pit, Pipestone National Monument, 2009. Photograph by the National Park Service.
Color image of a Platteville limestone seam in Fort Snelling State Park, 2016. Photograph by Paul Nelson.

Newspapers and Magazines

Black and white photograph of Samuel Deinard.
Front cover of the April 1921 issue of Captain Billy's Whiz Bang.
Ogden Gunderson reading The Farmer.
First issue of Hmong Pages
Cover of the Prison Mirror
Mario Duarte in the La Prensa office
Cecil Newman
A color page of Svenska Amerikanska Posten from the “Sångarfäst=Nummer” edition from July 21, 1903.
Color image of the August 30, 1905 issue of the Svenska Folkets Tidning, with an article detailing the history of the paper since 1881 on the front page.
Black and white photograph of Waconia Patriot editor and publisher Charles Reil in his office, 1917.
John Quincy Adams


Portrait of Herbjorn Gausta
Black and white photograph of the Reverend Bernt J. Muus, c.1875.
Knute Nelson
Gen. Lauris Norstad c. 1960
Photograph of the Ellefson homestead
Map of Clay County
Halvor H. Quie, ca. 1910.
St. Olaf Christmas Festival Performance


Portrait of Bagone-giizhig (Hole-in-the-Day the Younger), c.1855.
Pat Bellanger, ca. 1977
Jim Denomie in his studio
Virginia and Rainy Lake Lumber Camp 39, about one mile north of Echo Lake, ca. 1916. Visible are the root house (in the foreground, next to the office) and the filling shack. Photograph Collection, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul
Beginning of the Grand Portage trail
Maude Kegg at Mille Lacs
William Little Wolf, ca. 1917
Maggie Sengoge and Porky White making maple sugar
George. Morrison
Mille Lacs Indian Trading Post, 1929
photograph of ruth myers
Jim Northrup, ca. 2010s. Photograph by Ivy Vainio. Used with the permission of Ivy Vainio.
Photograph of Ojibwe family
Big Point, Leech Lake (Gaa-zagaskwaajimekaag)
Mikwendaagoziwaag (memorial) at Sandy Lake
Sawmill on the Red Lake Indian Reservation
Black and white photograph of annuities being paid at the Fond Du Lac reservation, c.1865.
Lawrence Vizenor

Parks and Reserves

Color image of a Bison jump site at Blue Mounds State Park, 1995.
Color image of Iron Lake, Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, 2012.
Cedar Bog Lake
Tinted photographic postcard on paper depicting Minnesota Street in St. Paul's Central Park, c.1895.
Black and white photograph of Jacob Brower at the Lake Itasca basin at DeSoto Lake, 1889.
Nerstrand Big Woods State Park’s Hidden Falls, date unknown. Prairie Creek flows over the broad limestone ledge. The pool below the falls was at one time a favorite swimming spot. Used with the permission of Rice County Historical Society.
Black and white photograph of Horace William Shaler Cleveland, date unknown.
View of the Rainy River inside Franz Jevne State Park
Lower and  upper Gooseberry Falls
Color image of the Dalles of the St. Croix River seen from the Wisconsin bank, July 2, 2009.
Color image of the rocky shoreline in Lake Vermilion–Soudan Underground Mine State Park. Photograph by Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Staff.
Color image of Minneopa Falls, Minneopa State Park, October 21, 2010. Photograph by Wikimedia Commons user McGhiever.
View of old "mountain" island, Mountain Lake
Overhead view of Voyageurs National Park
Whitewater State Park, May 22, 2009. Photo by Wikimedia Commons user McGhiever. CC BY-SA 3.0

People of Color in Greater Minnesota

Black and white photograph of students at Gustavus Adolphus College c.1972.
Congregation of Brown’s Chapel, Hastings
Clayton Jackson McGhie Memorial
Prince Honeycutt outside his barbershop
Joe Huie outside his restaurant
Jun Fujita’s cabin
Photograph of John Lyght, 1984
Black and white photograph of Ethel Ray (later Ethel Ray Nance), 1917. From the 1917 Duluth Central High School yearbook, Zenith.
Color image of St. Mark’s African Methodist Episcopal Church, Duluth, 2001.
Family members reunited after the Worthington ICE raid

Performing Arts

Color image of Hmong youth participate in Art Saves Us: Beyond the Noise, collaboratively creating original music in the Center for Hmong Arts & Culture’s (CHAT’s) St. Paul studio, May, 2013.
Color digital print of the main sound and lighting systems of Chanhassen Dinner Theatres' main stage. By Mike Paul, Act One, Too Photography.
Flora Dora Girls
Color image of First Avenue nightclub, 2005. Photograph by Wikimedia Commons user Mulad.
Guthrie Theater, riverside view
Mi Peru-MN members holding a banner
Roméo et Juliet
Black and white photograph of the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra on stage, c.1912.
Isla Tuliro
Penumbra Theatre Company, ca. 1990
: Garrison Keillor and the Guy’s All-Star Shoe Band on stage at the 2011 Minnesota State Fair before a live performance.
Sacred Earth, Ragamala Dance Company
St. Olaf Christmas Festival Performance
Black and white photograph of the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra on stage, ca. 1959.
Zenon Dance Company performing “Rouge”

Places of Worship

Color photograph of the exterior of Adas Israel Congregation in Duluth. Photographed by Phillip Prowse c.2010.
B'nai Abraham Synagogue, Virginia
Color image of B’nai Israel Synagogue and Dan Abraham Cultural Center, c.2013.
Color image of the of St. Paul Cathedral from John Ireland Blvd. Photograph by Wikimedia Commons user McGhiever, 2012.
Color image of group prayer during the purchase of a building for Dar Al-Hijrah, 2006.
Color image of the Hopperstad Stave Church Replica, 2011. Photograph by Flickr user Steve Borsch.
Black and white photograph of Kenesseth Israel Synagogue in Minneapolis, c.1900.
Color image of St. Mark’s African Methodist Episcopal Church, Duluth, 2001.
Watt Munisotaram


The cover of The Five Star Minstrel Book (Northwestern Press, 1938), which is meant to act as a guide for anyone wanting to organize a blackface minstrel show.
Congregation of Brown’s Chapel, Hastings
 Calvin Griffith memorial
Clayton Jackson McGhie Memorial
Members and staff of the Minnesota Board of Control in Faribault, 1936. Fourteenth from the left in the bottom row is Mildred Thomson.
Black and white photograph of inmate believed to be Houston Osborne, c.1895.
Black and white photograph of Fredrick McGhee, c.1910.
St. Paul Police Deputy James S. Griffin sitting at his desk, ca. 1960s. From box 1 of the James S. Griffin papers (P1679), Manuscripts Collection, Minnesota Historical Society.
Fair housing protesters from the “Committee to End Discrimination against Fourth Class Whites," December 19, 1962, St. Paul Pioneer Press. Minneapolis and St. Paul Newspaper Negatives Collection, Minnesota Historical Society.
Black and white photograph of the interior of the Credjafawn Co-op Store, 678 Rondo Avenue, St. Paul, ca. 1950.
Black and white photograph of embers of Company A, Sixteenth Battalion of the Minnesota Home Guard, c.1918.
Dorsey Willis

Railroads (in memory of Aaron Hanson, 1972–2017)

Color image of the Westbrook Depot, home of the Westbrook Heritage House Museum, 2017. Photograph by Dave Van Loh.
Black and white photograph of a 221 "Yellowstone" steam locomotive, 1940.
Black and white photograph of a depot on the DW&P at Orr, Minnesota, 1974.
Color image of Great Northern diesel locomotive number 400, 1966. Photograph by Myron T. Gilbertson.
Black and white photograph of a Luce Line passenger train to Lake Lillian. Image is from the Lake Lillian News, ca. 1930–1939.
Black and white photograph of a locomotive for the "Hiawatha," Milwaukee Road. Photograph by Milwaukee Road News Bureau, 1935.
Black and white photograph of the front of the Great Northern Railway Depot, Minneapolis, 1914.
Black and white photograph of cars on Dan Patch line of Minneapolis, St. Paul, Rochester & Dubuque Traction Company, 1910.
Engraving of the Como Shops published in Northwest magazine (April 1886, page 12).
Color image of the William Crooks locomotive, ca. 2000.

Rural Communities

Color image of 4-H club member Hannah Rolf showing off her three-year-old Holstein dairy cow at the Minnesota State Fair, 2015.
Color image of Ada Village Hall, c.1998.
Black and white photograph of Mrs. Cornelius and son standing by their log house, homesteaded in 1912.
Colorized Washburn-Crosby Flour Mills advertisement for Gold Medal Flour, Threshing Scene, unknown location.
Black and white postcard showing the Great Northern Railway Depot and a grain elevator behind the depot in Clontarf, c.1880s.
Black and white photograph of downtown Hanover seen from the Hennepin County side of the Crow River, ca. late 1800s.
Bird's-eye view of Georgetown
Amish Buggy Entering Harmony, Minnesota
Photograph of Henrytown area in 2018
Black and white photograph of Warren and Mary Amanda Braman, ca. 1880s–1890s. From the collection of CarrieJo Cowler.
Evangelical Mennonite Church, half-mile north of Mountain Lake.
Color image of the Minnesota Machinery Museum, Hanley Falls. Date unknown.
Registration table at Riverfest 1990
Black and white photograph of a Williams Electric Kitchen model, ca. 1938. Photographed by the Lee Brothers.
Color image of the Stickney Inn and Store, looking east, July 2014. Photographed by Amy Lucas.
Black and white photograph of the dedication ceremony of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church in Currie, held on September 23, 1883.
Two Valley Grove churches


Black and white photograph of students at Gustavus Adolphus College c.1972.
Scan of cover of Chicano Studies 1975 departmental brochure of classes (University of Minnesota)
Black and white photograph of Old Main, the first building at Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, 1877.
A student and teacher at the Heart of the Earth Survival School
Black and white photograph of Julia Ann Sears, c.1872.
Black and white photograph of translators at the Military Intelligence Service Language School at Fort Snelling, 1945.
Color drawing of the State Public School in Owatonna, c.1906.
Old Main, Mankato Normal School
Students rallying in front of Morrill Hall
Hamline University, Red Wing
Black and white photograph of “intermediate” students inside a classroom at an Native American boarding school in Beaulieu, c.1900.
Black and white postcard picturing the dedication of Stephens Hall, with James J. Hill, in 1908.
Color image of Derham Hall at St. Catherine University, July 26, 2009.
aerial photograph of St. Olaf College campus
Winona Normal School


Color image of the interior of the Confederation of Somali Community in Minnesota (CSCM), 2017. Photograph by Ibrahim Hirsi.
Color image of group prayer during the purchase of a building for Dar Al-Hijrah, 2006.
Photograph of Ilhan Omar
Photograph of the interior of a traditional Somali home, recreated for the Somali Museum of Minnesota
Abdi Farah (Abdi Phenomenal), Safiya Tusmo, and Awil Ali Waarabe

South and East Asians

Black and white photograph of Dr. Padmakar K. Dixit, his wife, and their two daughters in Minnesota, 1962.
Joe Huie outside his restaurant
Jun Fujita’s cabin
Color image of Gabe (Michael Sung-Ho) and Billy (Eric Sharp) in the Mu Performing Arts production of Middle Brother, written by Eric Sharp and directed by Robert Rosen, 2014. Michal Daniel, photographer.
Liang May Seen with her son, Howard.
Black and white photograph of translators at the Military Intelligence Service Language School at Fort Snelling, 1945.
Isla Tuliro
Sacred Earth, Ragamala Dance Company
SILC Hindi class
Mrs. Thomas Yamazaki with her daughters Luanne (left) and Aveline (right) at the St. Paul Resettlement Hostel
Ruth Nomura's college graduation photo
The Dalai Lama at the Tibetan American Foundation of Minnesota in St. Paul, 2017. Photograph by Tashi Khongtsotsang.

Southeast Asians

Color image of Hmong youth participate in Art Saves Us: Beyond the Noise, collaboratively creating original music in the Center for Hmong Arts & Culture’s (CHAT’s) St. Paul studio, May, 2013.
Pamana Dance Troupe
Color image of Minnesota state senator Mee Moua speaks at a rally on October 30, 2008, in support of Barack Obama, Al Franken, and other Democratic candidates.
FMA president Rene Dawis delivering a speech in Minneapolis, 1953.
Xee Yang harvesting kale flowers
Color image of a Hmong American boy in traditional clothing. Photographed by Vue Xiong, c.1992.
Color image of participants in the Operation Free Flu Shot program gather for a group photograph at the Hmong New Year celebration in St. Paul’s RiverCentre on November 24, 2012.
Black and white photograph of the 1981 Hmong New Year, held in St. Paul’s Highland Junior-Senior High School. Photographed by Marlin Heise on December 19, 1981.
Black and white photograph of a Hmong Celebration, Frogtown, 1993. Photograph by Wing Young Huie.
Watt Munisotaram


Striking Hormel workers on April 10, 1986
Black and white scan of a cartoon from the Seattle Industrial Worker, February 3, 1917.
Blast hole drilling crew at the Mahoning Mine, Hibbing
Black and white photograph of miners inside the Fayal mine in Eveleth, 1915. Photographed by William F. Roleff.
Labor Day parade, Minneapolis
Minneapolis teachers on strike, 1970
Black and white photograph of National Guard troops keeping a crowd back during a raid on strike headquarters in Minneapolis, 1934.
Black and white scan of "The best way to settle it." Minneapolis Journal, April 12, 1889.
Black and white photograph of the Street Railway Company strike, 1917.
Aging bus operated by Twin City Lines, ca. 1960s. Photo by the St. Paul Pioneer Press; used with permission.
Michigan strikers reading bulletin board at strike headquarters, Marenisco, Michigan.
Willmar 8 on the picket line
Work Progress Administration sewing project strike, Minneapolis


Church of the Redeemer, Minneapolis
Myrtle Cain
Governor Horace Austin
Women waiting in line to vote in an election (probably for a school board) in a downtown Minneapolis precinct c.1908.
The Minnesota Woman Suffrage Memorial on the northeast corner of the upper state capitol mall, 2019. Photo by Linda A. Cameron.
Suffragists present a petition
Julia B. Nelson, ca. 1866
Mabeth Hurd Paige
Dr. Martha George Rogers Ripley
Photograph of 1914 women' suffrage parade
Sarah Burger Stearns
Photograph of Clara Ueland, ca. 1918.


Black and white photograph of G.O. Miller store in Vasa.
John Lind
Hans Mattson
Eric Norelius, Swedish-American clergyman
portrait photograph of Peterson
Two men posing next to a Ry-Krisp batter-mixing machine.
Children of Governor Adolph Eberhart
A color page of Svenska Amerikanska Posten from the “Sångarfäst=Nummer” edition from July 21, 1903.
Color image of the August 30, 1905 issue of the Svenska Folkets Tidning, with an article detailing the history of the paper since 1881 on the front page.
Black and white photograph of Swede Hollow, ca. 1910.
Black and white photograph of Swan Turnblad, ca. 1915.
Black and white photograph of Elof Wedin, 1958.

Theater and Dance

At the Foot of the Mountain Theater company, 1983.
Color digital print of the main sound and lighting systems of Chanhassen Dinner Theatres' main stage. By Mike Paul, Act One, Too Photography.
Color image of the Grand Theater outside, 2017.
Guthrie Theater, riverside view
Mi Peru-MN members holding a banner
Mixed Blood Theatre
Isla Tuliro
Penumbra Theatre Company, ca. 1990
Sacred Earth, Ragamala Dance Company
Theatre de la Jeune Lune lobby
Zenon Dance Company performing “Rouge”

US‒Dakota War of 1862

Birch Coulee battlefield monument
Battle of Wood Lake
Bird's-eye view of Georgetown
Black and white photograph of an exterior view of Fort Snelling showing the Round Tower, 1863.
Scan of a drawing of Joseph Godfrey, 1862. Drawing by Robert O. Sweeny.
Watercolor on paper depicting Chief Wabasha’s village on the Mississippi River. Painted c.1845 by Seth Eastman.
Color image of the Lower Sioux Agency Warehouse, 2012
Photograph of Alexander Ramsey
Gabriel Renville
Black and white carte-de-visite photograph of Henry H. Sibley, c.1870.
Lithograph interpretation of the Battle of Birch Coulee, 1912.


Ervin T. Blix in his navy uniform
Black and white photograph of Theresa Ericksen, ca. 1930.
Virginia Lane in uniform
National encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic, Minneapolis.
Jim Northrup, ca. 2010s. Photograph by Ivy Vainio. Used with the permission of Ivy Vainio.
Black and white photograph of an audience at the American Legion National Convention, Minneapolis, 1919.
William Little Wolf, ca. 1917
Black and white photograph of translators at the Military Intelligence Service Language School at Fort Snelling, 1945.
Einar A. Rogstad
Soldiers and Sailors Memorial
Photograph of Women Airforce Service Pilot (WASP) Betty Strohfus, ca. 1940s.
Lawrence Vizenor
Ernest Wabasha
Albert Woolson in his army uniform. The photo was probably taken at Fort Snelling following his army enlistment and was later enlarged and painted, ca. 1864. Woolson family archives, Duluth, Minnesota. Used with the permission of the Woolson family.

Visual Artists

Charles Biederman with a cat
Black and white photograph of Adolf Dehn in Paris, c.1926.
Alexis Jean Fournier with painter's palette
Photograph of Wanda Gág in 1928.
Black and white photograph of Clement Haupers in his studio, c.1930.
Black and white photograph of Elsa L. Jemne working at an easel, 1922.
Black and white photograph of Robert Koehler, c.1907.
Black and white photograph of Clara Mairs, c.1930.
Gene Ritchie Monahan in her studio
George. Morrison
Gordon Parks
Photograph of Curt Swan in Minnesota, October 2, 1993
Black and white photograph of Stephen Arnold Douglas Volk, 1908.
Black and white photograph of Elof Wedin, 1958.
Jim Denomie in his studio

Women: Communities, Arts, and Social Change

At the Foot of the Mountain Theater company, 1983.
Black and white photograph of Former Crookston BPW presidents, 1942.
Black and white photograph of Mrs. Matzke, Miss Olson, and Miss Nelson present yellow carnations to initiates Luverne Sorenson, Deborah Hanson, Eloise Espe, and Clara Kelly at an initiation meeting for new BPWC members, 1966.
Photograph of Kate Wulf and Jeri Rasmussen
Hallie Q. Brown House staff, 1935
Dakota lace makers, including Maggie Whipple
Women waiting in line to vote in an election (probably for a school board) in a downtown Minneapolis precinct c.1908.
Suffragists present a petition
Black and white photograph of Gertrude Brown with children at Phyllis Wheatley House, ca. 1924.
Photograph of 1914 women' suffrage parade
Members of WARM
Women’s Advocates buildings in St. Paul
Woman operating a drill press
Color image of a World War I-era Red Cross poster, c.1917.

World War I

Black and white photograph of men tarred and feathered in Minnesota during 1918 campaign by anti-Nonpartisan Leaguers,  c.1918.
Ervin T. Blix in his navy uniform
Black and white photograph of Theresa Ericksen, ca. 1930.
Black and white photograph of Mrs. J. P. Mohan, Gold Star mother, with flag, St. Paul, 1918.
Joseph Linwood Laughy
Color poster produced for the National War Garden Commission. Designed by illustrator James Montgomery Flagg, c.1918.
William Little Wolf, ca. 1917
Black and white photograph of Minnesota Commission of Public Safety members, c.1918.
Black and white photograph of the Minnesota Home Guard on parade in St. Paul, 1917.
Black and white photograph of Dr. Louis A. Fritsche, c.1920.
Black and white photograph of an audience at the American Legion National Convention, Minneapolis, 1919.
Einar A. Rogstad
Black and white photograph of embers of Company A, Sixteenth Battalion of the Minnesota Home Guard, c.1918.
Black and white photograph of young bakers participating in a bread-making demonstration at the 1918 Minnesota State Fair.
Lawrence Vizenor
Color image of a World War I-era Red Cross poster, c.1917.

World War II

Color image of the Camp Ripley cantonment area, 2015.
Black and white photograph of German prisoners of war outside a farm building in Moorhead, ca. 1943–1945. Used with the permission of the Historical and Cultural Society of Clay County.
Black and white photograph of translators at the Military Intelligence Service Language School at Fort Snelling, 1945.
Gen. Lauris Norstad c. 1960
Black and white photograph of a shipbuilding crew at Port Cargill, Savage, ca. 1941.
Mrs. Thomas Yamazaki with her daughters Luanne (left) and Aveline (right) at the St. Paul Resettlement Hostel
Photograph of Women Airforce Service Pilot (WASP) Betty Strohfus, ca. 1940s.
Color image of a Red Bull Shoulder Patch.
Workers at the Twin Cities Ordnance Plant


F. Scott Fitzgerald
Black and white photograph of Meridel Le Sueur, c. 1940.
Black and white photograph of Sinclair Lewis, ca. 1915.
Black and white photograph of Maud Hart Lovelace, Minnesota author, c.1928.
Jim Northrup, ca. 2010s. Photograph by Ivy Vainio. Used with the permission of Ivy Vainio.
J. Otis Powell‽, ca. 2014. Photograph by Eric Lorberer.
Rowan in Washington, DC, ca .1997. Shared under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-ND-2.0) license.Rowan in Washington, DC, ca .1997. Shared under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-ND-2.0) license.
Shulman at his desk as editor of the University of Minnesota’s humor magazine Ski-U-Mah, ca. 1941. From a 1941 issue of Ski-U-Mah, available on microfilm at the Minnesota Historical Society.
Eva McDonald Valesh, c.1885
Thorstein Veblen, 1901.
Black and white photograph of Laura Ingalls Wilder, c.1894.
Minnesota: A State Guide