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St. Olaf Christmas Festival

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St. Olaf Christmas Festival Performance

St. Olaf Christmas Festival Performance

The St. Olaf Christmas Festival is an annual music celebration that began in 1912 and has been performed regularly since then by St. Olaf College students. Widely broadcast and telecast, it is regarded as one of the premier choral events in the world.

Since its founding by F. Melius Christiansen, who started the school's music department, the festival has attracted people to the Northfield campus from all over Minnesota and Wisconsin. It also draws alumni from around the nation.

F. Melius Christiansen began teaching music at St. Olaf in 1903. Seeking to improve the quality of choral music, Christiansen focused on developing the tradition of unaccompanied singing called a cappella. His choir soon began performing concerts at the school and touring around the region.

Under Christiansen's leadership, the St. Olaf Lutheran Choir became known as one of the finest choirs in the Midwest. To showcase the choir and celebrate Christmas, the choir performed in the first Christmas Program, as it was then known, on Dec. 17, 1912. The choir was called the St. Olaf Choral Union for that concert, and they performed in the Hoyme Memorial Chapel.

Under Christiansen's direction, the choir's status continued to grow. As the festival's audience expanded, the event moved from the chapel to the school's gym in 1922. Because of its popularity, the school added a second performance beginning in 1936.

The festival expanded to three shows in 1941. Because of World War II, the festival was reduced to one show in 1942 and 1943, but returned to three shows in 1945. It later grew to four shows.

In 1943, F. Melius Christiansen's son Olaf became the festival's director. He ran it until 1968, when Kenneth Jennings took over. Under Olaf Christiansen, the still-growing festival was moved to the Skogland Athletic Center (later named the Skogland Center). In 1990, St. Olaf graduate Anton Armstrong became director.

Attracting more than 15,000 people to Northfield, the early 21st century's Christmas Festival features five different choral groups. The St. Olaf Choir is the school's premier a cappella choir. The Cantorei is the choir that performs during Sunday services at the chapel. The Chapel Choir is the largest choir on campus. The Viking Chorus (men) and Manitou Singers (women) are choirs composed of first-year students.

During the festival, each choir performs as an individual unit before all five sing together to close the concert. More than 500 singers perform, accompanied by the St. Olaf Orchestra. At various times, audience members may rise and join the choir in singing, following along with lyrics published in the concert's program.

The St. Olaf Christmas Festival has been televised since 1975, around the country and even internationally, such as in Norway in 1978. It is broadcast on Minnesota Public Radio (MPR) and many of its affiliates, around the world on Armed Forces Television and Radio, on the Internet, and in movie theaters. PBS frequently broadcasts highlights as Christmas specials.

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© Minnesota Historical Society
  • Bibliography
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Bergmann, Leola Nelson. Music Master of the Middle West, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1944.

Frisch, Suzy. "Lighting the Way: St. Olaf Prepares to Observe Its 100th Christmas Festival," St. Olaf Magazine Fall 2011: 12–21

Shaw, Joseph M. The St. Olaf Choir: A Narrative. Northfield, MN: St. Olaf College, 1997.

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St. Olaf Christmas Festival Performance
St. Olaf Christmas Festival Performance

St. Olaf Christmas Festival Performance

St. Olaf College
St. Olaf College
All rights reserved
Hoyme Memorial Chapel
Hoyme Memorial Chapel
Hoyme Memorial Chapel

Hoyme Memorial Chapel was the location of the Christmas Festival for the first ten years.

St. Olaf College
F. Melius Christiansen
F. Melius Christiansen
F. Melius Christiansen

F. Melius Christiansen, founder of the festival.

St. Olaf College
St. Olaf College
Olaf Christiansen
Olaf Christiansen
Olaf Christiansen

Olaf Christiansen was the festival's director from 1943–1968 and was the son of F. Melius Christiansen.

St. Olaf College
St. Olaf College
Kenneth Jennings
Kenneth Jennings
Kenneth Jennings

Kenneth Jennings served as the festival director from 1968-1990.

St. Olaf College
St. Olaf College
Anton Armstrong
Anton Armstrong
Anton Armstrong

St. Olaf alum and current festival director, Anton Armstrong.

St. Olaf College
St. Olaf College

Turning Point

In 1912 St. Olaf College begins a Christmas Program featuring the school's acclaimed choir, which grows into a festival that continues uninterrupted for over a hundred years.



F. Melius Christiansen arrives at St. Olaf College to head the music department and begins developing its choral program.


The first St. Olaf Christmas Program is held for students and faculty, featuring the St. Olaf Choral Union, led by F. Melius Christiansen.


Due to increased attendance, the St. Olaf Christmas Festival moves from the Hoyme Memorial Chapel to the school gymnasium.


Because of its popularity, the festival doubles the number of performances to two.


As attendance continues to rise, the festival is again expanded, to three shows.


Because of wartime restrictions, the festival shrinks to one concert.


F. Melius Christiansen retires and his son, Olaf Christiansen, assumes leadership of the festival.


The festival increases to two performances.


The festival returns to three performances.


As the Christmas Festival continues to grow, it moves to the Skogland Athletic Center, later named the Skogland Center.


Kenneth Jennings becomes director of the festival.


The festival is first televised on KTCA-TV in the Twin Cities, and shown on many of the affiliates of the Midwest Television Education Network.


Current director and St. Olaf graduate Anton Armstrong takes the helm as director of the festival.


The festival is first broadcast on Armed Forces Radio.


The St. Olaf Christmas Festival celebrates its centennial.