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Willmar State Hospital

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Bird’s-eye view of Willmar State Hospital, 1962

Bird’s-eye view of Willmar State Hospital, 1962.

Originally structured as a small farm for the treatment of alcoholism, Willmar State Hospital expanded its client base and operations as conditions declined through the first half of the twentieth century. Following reforms in the 1950s, it introduced innovative treatments for alcohol and drug dependency, the “open-door” model of psychiatric care, and the physical rehabilitation of disabled people.

In the 1880s and 90s, Minnesota committed the “inebriate” (a category that included anyone we would today call chemically dependent) to a special ward at Rochester State Hospital. When that ward closed in 1897, the state attempted to subsidize treatment for committed alcoholics in small, private “liquor cure” facilities, but this was declared unconstitutional in the same year.

After a decade of failed attempts to establish a special institution, the state legislature passed a law to establish a “Hospital Farm for Inebriates” in April 1907. In 1909, the state used revenue from a 2 percent tax on liquor licenses to purchase 482 acres of land on the Tallman Stock Farm in Willmar. It hired architect Clarence H. Johnston in 1910. Johnson designed the Willmar State Asylum according to the cottage plan, which organized its facilities in smaller buildings arranged on a campus.

The Willmar Inebriate Farm opened to patients on December 26, 1912, with a fifty-person capacity. Under the first two superintendents, treatment emphasized two concepts: the water cure and the benefits of labor. The water cure consisted of drinking copious amounts of cold water, bathing daily, and using steam rooms and vapor cabinets to cleanse the body. In most cases, a minimum of two months' labor on the farm was required to receive parole, the idea being that hard work, meaningful exertion, and time away from drinking could cure acute cases of alcohol addiction.

Due to overcrowding in Minnesota’s psychiatric institutions, lawmakers had tried to open Willmar’s doors to surplus patients since it opened. They succeeded in 1917. Operating as the Willmar State Asylum, administrators separated the inmate population into two distinct groups: inebriates and the chronically mentally ill. Between 1919 and 1930, Willmar was consistently under construction to accommodate its rising population. It ballooned to nearly 1,500, most of whom were chronic patients arriving from other institutions.

This practice of “dumping” patients effectively ended the inebriate programs at Willmar. By 1935, less than 1 percent of the patient population was committed for drug- or alcohol-related offenses. Rapid growth and the resulting lack of a coherent treatment plan degraded services and led staff to start using restraints and more aggressive treatments (shock treatments for psychiatric patients and lumbar puncture for withdrawal, for example). Staff shortages during World War II exacerbated the problem.

Things changed rapidly in the 1950s. Building on the fact that alcohol-dependent patients had established an Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) group at Willmar in 1947, the new superintendent, Nelson Bradley, and his work partner, Daniel Anderson, transformed Willmar into one of three facilities responsible for developing the Minnesota Model, alongside Pioneer House in Plymouth and Hazelden in Center City. Central to the model were the tenets that alcohol and chemical dependency are multifaceted phenomena involving a person’s biology, spirituality, and psychological/biographical history.

Bradley and Anderson unlocked wards, removed most restraints, hired former alcohol and drug users as counselors, attempted to segregate patients according to required treatment, and invited local townspeople to visit to foster better relationships and counter the prison-like feel of the space. Attempted escapes and violent episodes plummeted.

After Bradley, Vera Behrendt became the first woman to serve as a superintendent in Minnesota in 1961 (one of only two in the country). This title was soon after abolished in favor of the more specialized “medical director.” In her first year, Behrendt made Willmar Minnesota’s first “open-door” institution, meaning that staff no longer locked doors on the wards, and abolished many time- and movement-based restrictions.

Willmar continued to differentiate its treatments through the 1960s, 70s, and 80s, creating an adolescent unit, a geriatric care unit, and a training center for people with developmental and intellectual disabilities. Although Willmar maintained high patient-to-staff ratios compared with other Minnesotan institutions through the 60s and 70s, patient populations began to decline through the 80s, resulting in multiple vacancies. In 2006, Nova-Tech Engineering and Life-Science Innovations purchased thirty-seven of these buildings and created the MinnWest Technology Campus. The remaining seven buildings were purchased by Kandiyohi County, which uses them for youth behavioral services and community addiction programs.

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Aamot, Gregg. “On Site of Old ‘State Hospital,’ A Hub of Agriculture Research Emerges in Willmar.” MinnPost, September 15, 2010.

Anderson, Kenneth. From Inebriate Asylums to Narcotic Farms. Philadelphia: Independently published, 2022.

Minnesota Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities. With an Eye to the Past. “1960s: Building the Momentum.”

Resman, Michael. Asylums, Treatment Centers and Genetic Jails: A History of Minnesota’s State Hospitals. St. Cloud, MN: North Star Press of St. Cloud, 2013.

Spicer, Jerry. The Minnesota Model: The Evolution of the Multidisciplinary Approach to Addiction Recovery. Center City, MN: Hazelden Educational Materials, 1993.

Vail, David J. “Editorially Speaking.” Mental Health newsletter 1, no. 6 (June 1961): 1.

Willmar Regional Treatment Center. Historical Review Commemorating a Tradition of Specialty Health Services. Willmar, MN: Willmar Regional Treatment Center, 1987.

Willmar State Hospital published records and reports, 1950–2001
State Archives Collection, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul
Description: Reports, newsletters, and miscellaneous print and near-print items of or about the Willmar State Hospital. The records cover all aspects of the hospital's programs, activities, and history, including its annual reports (1982–1993); its newsletter, the Echo (1950–1999); hospital histories (ca. 1936, 1938); brochures (ca. 1950s–1980s); and various publications covering such topics as alcoholic treatment, conditioning therapy, geriatric rehabilitation, adolescent treatment, psychiatric rehabilitation, and chemical dependency.

Willmar State Hospital subject files, 1857–2001
State Archives Collection, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul
Description: Records documenting various activities and programs at the hospital. Topics covered include celebrations and building dedications, beautification, employees, history of the hospital, labor turnover, institution library, nurses residence, policies and procedures, and treatment of alcoholic patients.

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Bird’s-eye view of Willmar State Hospital, 1962
Bird’s-eye view of Willmar State Hospital, 1962
Bird’s-eye view of Willmar State Hospital, 1962

Bird’s-eye view of Willmar State Hospital, 1962.

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Willmar Inebriate Farm
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Willmar Inebriate Farm, ca. 1915.

Minnesota Historical Society
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Main building at Willmar State Asylum, ca, 1920.

Minnesota Historical Society
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Minnesota Historical Society
Bird’s-eye view of Willmar State Hospital, 1937
Bird’s-eye view of Willmar State Hospital, 1937
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Minnesota Historical Society
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Minnesota Historical Society
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Minnesota Historical Society
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Minnesota Historical Society
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Patients at Willmar State Hospital, 1940.

Minnesota Historical Society
Bird’s-eye view of Willmar State Hospital, 1943
Bird’s-eye view of Willmar State Hospital, 1943
Bird’s-eye view of Willmar State Hospital, 1943

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Minnesota Digital Library
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 Plate from Willmar State Hospital
 Plate from Willmar State Hospital

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Minnesota Historical Society
Former administration building of the Willmar Hospital Farm for Inebriates
Former administration building of the Willmar Hospital Farm for Inebriates
Former administration building of the Willmar Hospital Farm for Inebriates

The former administration Building of the Willmar Hospital Farm for Inebriates (1700 Technology Drive NE), now the MinnWest Technology Campus, Willmar, Minnesota. Photo by Wikimedia Commons user McGhiever, June 21, 2017.

Wikimedia Commons
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International

Turning Point

After over three decades of haphazard management, swelling patient populations, and undifferentiated treatment programs at Willmar, new leadership teams introduce reforms that lead to the creation of the Minnesota Model approach to chemical dependency and an open door policy in the 1950s and 60s.



On April 22, the Minnesota Legislature passes an act authorizing the establishment of a State Hospital Farm for Inebriates.


The state purchases a 482-acre portion of the Tallman Stock Farm in Willmaron June 7.


The Willmar Inebriate Farm puts thirty-three male and four female patients to work planting oats, barley, corn, timothy, and clover on December 26.


After 108 escapes, the state attorney general rules that staff can use force to compel obedience at Willmar. Patients can be sent to jail for attempting to smuggle alcohol. In September, the courts rule that patients must work on the farm six hours a day.


Willmar is renamed Willmar State Asylum and begins receiving transfers of “hopeless” chronically mentally ill people from other hospitals.


The legislature approves a name change to Willmar State Hospital to reflect the more active and aggressive treatment methods on offer for mental patients.


Patients create an Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) group.


Doctors organized under Nelson Bradley and Daniel Anderson develop a "holistic approach" to alcohol-addiction treatment that is later called the Minnesota Model.


Vera Behrendt becomes the second woman to be a superintendent at Willmar. She implements an open-door policy, ending the practice of locking doors overnight.


The Minnesota Legislature authorizes $36,000 for the development of a pilot project to create day activity centers at Willmar and Litchfield.


A unit to treat adolescents with psychiatric needs opens at Willmar.


Specialized care for geriatric patients at Willmar begins.


The livestock and farm equipment at the hospital are sold, and farm buildings are demolished.


A training center for people with developmental disabilities opens at Willmar.


Nova-Tech Engineering and Life-Science Innovations buy ninety-five acres and thirty-seven buildings for $900,000 to create the MinnWest Technology Campus. Kandiyohi County buys the remaining buildings and land for behavioral and chemical health services.