LeVander, Karl Harold Phillip (1910–1992)

Harold LeVander ran for political office for the first time at age fifty-six. He won, served a single term as governor of Minnesota, and never held political office again. A Republican with Republican majorities in the state house and senate, he encouraged some of the most progressive legislation in Minnesota history.

Former Minnesota governors and their wives at the State Ceremonial Building

Former Minnesota governors and their wives at the State Ceremonial Building

Former Minnesota governors and their wives at the State Ceremonial Building, 1983. Pictured are, in the first row, left to right: Gretchen Quie, Jane Freeman, Esther Stassen, Medora Petersen, Lillian Anderson, and Harold Stassen; in the second row: Albert Quie, Orville Freeman, Marian Rolvaag, Karl Rolvaag, and C. Elmer Anderson; in the third row: Iantha LeVander, Alice Anderson, and Elmer L. Andersen; in the fourth row: Harold Levander, Jane Wangberg, and Mary Anderson; and in the fifth row: Lou Wangberg and Wendell Anderson.

Harold LeVander’s official portrait as governor

Harold LeVander’s official portrait as governor

Harold LeVander’s official portrait (oil on canvas) as governor, ca. 1971. Painted by Barbara Brewer Peet.

Four Minnesota governors

Four Minnesota governors

Governor Wendell Anderson (center right) with former governors Harold LeVander (far left), Elmer L. Andersen (center left), and Karl Rolvaag (far right), and Representative John Blatnik (standing) in the reception room of the Minnesota Governor’s Mansion at the passing of the Voyageurs National Park Bill.

Harold LeVander at his desk

Harold LeVander at his desk

Harold LeVander at his desk, ca. 1970.

Harold LeVander signing a proclamation

Harold LeVander signing a proclamation

Harold LeVander (seated at center) signing a proclamation coinciding with National Negro History Week, November 1969.

Harold LeVander at a party

Harold LeVander at a party

Harold LeVander (far right) with his wife, Iantha (second from left), at a party during his term as governor of Minnesota (1967–1971).

Harold LeVander with his family

Harold LeVander with his family

Harold LeVander (seated at center) with his wife, Iantha (seated at right), and their three children (Jean, standing; Harold, Jr., seated at far left; and Dyan, kneeling), 1967.

Harorld LeVander

Harold LeVander

Minnesota Governor-Elect Harold LeVander, 1966.

Harold LeVander giving a speech

Harold LeVander giving a speech

Harold LeVander giving a speech during his term as governor of Minnesota (1967–1971).


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