Anti-Carter-Mondale campaign button

Anti-Carter-Mondale campaign button

Pinback button mocking the Carter–Mondale presidential campaign, 1976.

Vice-presidential debate button

Vice-presidential debate button

Button advertising the debate between Senator Walter Mondale and Senator Robert Dole on October 15, 1976. Both senators were campaigning to become vice president at the time.

Carter–Mondale campaign button

Carter–Mondale campaign button

Pinback button supporting the campaign of Jimmy Carter (left) and Walter Mondale (right) for president and vice-president, respectively, 1976.

Hubert Humphrey and Wendell Anderson bumper sticker

Hubert Humphrey and Wendell Anderson bumper sticker

Bumper sticker supporting the expected presidential campaign of Hubert Humphrey and running mate Wendell Anderson in 1976. The ticket never materialized.

Election-year bicentennial event, 1976

Election-year bicentennial event, 1976

In a presidential election year, Senator Walter Mondale delivers a speech from the Minnesota State Capitol green on Minnesota Day (an event tied to the national bicentennial) as Hubert Humphrey and others look on. Photograph by Dexter Oliver, June 1976.

Joan and Walter Mondale

Joan and Walter Mondale

Joan and Walter Mondale at an event celebrating the presidential inauguration of Mondale and Jimmy Carter, January 20, 1977.

Minnesota Miracle (legislation)

Wendell Anderson, a Democratic–Farmer–Labor Party (DFL) governor elected at age thirty-eight, campaigned in 1970 on a promise to reduce school-district property taxes. He faced a legislature controlled by Conservatives,* and his plan to reform property taxes asked for a 37-percent increase in state spending. It took the longest special legislative session in state history, but he fulfilled the promise. Anderson’s initiative raised income and sales taxes, and he became one of the most popular governors in Minnesota history.

TIME magazine cover featuring Minnesota Governor Wendell Anderson

TIME magazine cover featuring Minnesota Governor Wendell Anderson

The cover of the August 13, 1873, issue of Time magazine, featuring Minnesota Governor Wendell Anderson.

Legislative hearing on property taxes, 1971

Legislative hearing on property taxes, 1971

“Protestors pack the St. Paul Armory for a joint legislative hearing on property taxes, April 1, 1971.” Caption and photograph from Dave Kenney and Thomas Saylor, Minnesota in the 70s (St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society Press, 2013), 20. Original photo in Minnesota Historical Society collections.

Scott Long cartoon satirizing Governor Wendell Anderson

Scott Long cartoon satirizing Governor Wendell Anderson

Cartoon by Scott Long, February 17, 1971, depicting Minnesota Governor Wendell Anderson. The drafted caption (above) reads, “Afternoon, ma’am! I’m working my way through the legislature…” Used in Dave Kenney and Thomas Saylor, Minnesota in the 70s (St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society Press, 2013), 18. From the political cartoons and related papers (1946–1980) of Scott Long, Manuscripts Collection, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.


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