Root's engine, St. Paul and Duluth Railroad Company. The engine powered the last train load of survivors out of Hinckley during the fire in 1894. Photographed ca. 1895. James Root was the engineer on the evacuation train.
Rosario Parodi Bretey shows the joy of dancing valicha, a dance from the city of Cusco, Peru. Photograph by Kaia Myers, ca. 2018 or 2019. Used with the permission of Mi Perú-Minnesota.
Photograph of Roscoe Fawcett, brother of Wilford "Captain Billy" Fawcett, in 1928. Roscoe ran the day-to-day operations of Fawcett Publications when Captain Billy left Minneapolis on frequent hunting trips and excursions to New York and Hollywood.
Rose Boyd operated the largest dressmaking business in Minneapolis between 1886 and 1917, employing between 40–100 seamstresses, fitters, designers and tailors and creating gowns for Minnesota's fashion elite.
Rose Mary Freeman, president of the Afro-American Action Committee (AAAC), and Horace Huntley inside Morrill Hall during student protests at the University of Minnesota’s Minneapolis campus, 1969.