Rudy Boschwitz campaign bumper sticker, 1978

Rudy Boschwitz campaign bumper sticker, 1978

Rudy Boschwitz senate-campaign bumper sticker, 1978.

Rudy Boschwitz on election night

Rudy Boschwitz on election night

“Republican US Senate candidate Rudy Boschwitz watches election night returns in his Bloomington hotel room, November 7, 1978.” From Dave Kenney and Thomas Saylor’s Minnesota in the 70s (St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society, 2013), 216. For the original image, see the Minneapolis and St Paul newspaper negatives collection (1936–1987), Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.

Black and white photograph of the ruins of a car after fire, Kettle River Road, 1918.

Ruins of car after fire

Ruins of car after fire, Kettle River Road, 1918.

Black and white photograph of the ruins of Fort Ripley Barracks and Bakery, c.1895.

Ruins of Fort Ripley barracks and bakery

Abandoned Fort Ripley, c.1895. Ruins of the laundry and ordnance room are in the foreground, next to the long enlisted barracks.

Black and white photograph of ruins of Masonic Temple, Cloquet, 1918.

Ruins of Masonic Temple, Cloquet

Ruins of Masonic Temple, Cloquet, 1918.

Black and white photograph of the ruins of the Pettit, Zenith, and Galaxy Mills after Washburn A Mill explosion on the Mississippi Riverfront, 1878.

Ruins of Pettit, Zenith, and Galaxy Mills after Washburn A Mill explosion, Minneapolis

Ruins of the Pettit, Zenith, and Galaxy Mills after Washburn A Mill explosion on the Mississippi Riverfront, 1878.

Ruins of Weber's residence after cyclone, Rochester.

Ruins of Weber's residence after cyclone, Rochester.

Ruins of Weber's residence after cyclone, Rochester. Stereograph by J. C. Cook, August 21, 1883.

The Rum River Inn bar and restaurant (formerly the Riverside Hotel) in St. Francis, July 1990. Anoka County Historical Society, Object ID# 2057.5.70. Used with the permission of Anoka County Historical Society.

Rum River Inn

The Rum River Inn bar and restaurant (formerly the Riverside Hotel) in St. Francis, July 1990. Anoka County Historical Society, Object ID# 2057.5.70. Used with the permission of Anoka County Historical Society.

The Rum River Inn restaurant and bar (former Riverside Hotel), St. Francis, Minnesota, May 4, 2008. Photograph by Wikimedia Commons user Elkman. CC BY-SA 3.0.

Rum River Inn (former Riverside Hotel)

The Rum River Inn restaurant and bar (former Riverside Hotel), St. Francis, Minnesota, May 4, 2008. Photograph by Wikimedia Commons user Elkman. CC BY-SA 3.0.

Runes of the North (book cover)

Runes of the North

The cover of Runes of the North, written by Sigurd Olson, illustrated by Robert Hines, and published by Alfred A. Knopf in 1963.


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