Ruth Boynton

Ruth Boynton

Ruth Boynton, ca. 1925.

Portrait of Ruth Boynton from 1920.

Ruth Boynton, 1920

Ruth Boynton in 1920. Boynton directed the University of Minnesota Student Health Service from 1936 to 1961.

Black and white photograph of Ruth Melamond, Dr. Owen Wangensteen, and Luella Maslon at a Mount Sinai Women's Auxiliary function, 1952.

Ruth Melamond, Dr. Owen Wangensteen, and Luella Maslon

Ruth Melamond, Dr. Owen Wangensteen, and Luella Maslon at a Mount Sinai Women's Auxiliary function, 1952. Dr. Wangensteen of University Hospitals was a supporter of Mount Sinai.

Ruth Myers

Ruth Myers

Ruth Myers, ca. 1987. From the newsletter of the Minnesota Library Association (October 1987), page 1.

photograph of ruth myers

Ruth Myers

Ruth Myers, date unknown.

Ruth Nomura

Ruth Nomura

Ruth Nomura in Corvallis, Oregon, ca. 1925. P095:093 of the John Garman Photographic Collection, 1894-1966, Historical Images of Oregon State University, Oregon Multicultural Archives, OSU Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Corvallis, Oregon.

Ruth Nomura's college graduation photo

Ruth Nomura

Ruth Nomura, graduate of Oregon State University, 1930. Photo from the private collection of Judy Nomura Murakami; used with the permission of Judy Nomura Murakami.

Ruth Nomura

Ruth Nomura in a flower kimono, 1924. Photo from the private collection of Judy Nomura Murakami. Used with the permission of Judy Nomura Murakami.

Ruth Nomura and family

Ruth Nomura and family

Ruth Nomura and family in Portland, Oregon. Left to right: Howard (sitting), Paul (standing), Ruth, mother Kiyo (standing), Elsie, and father Frank Jiro, 1919. Photo from the private collection of Judy Nomura Murakami. Used with the permission of Judy Nomura Murakami.

Black and white photograph of Ruth Ross, Crookston BPWC’s centennial chair (1976, 1977, and 1978), was an active, civic-minded member promoted U.S. history by wearing a costume.

Ruth Ross, BPWC centennial chair

Ruth Ross, Crookston BPWC’s centennial chair (1976, 1977, and 1978), was an active, civic-minded member promoted U.S. history by wearing a costume.


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