Rochester Pride

Rochester Pride

A group at Rochester Pride. Photograph by Randy Stern, July 22, 2012.

Black and white photograph of Rochester State Hospital.

Rochester State Hospital

Rochester State Hospital's buildings and grounds, undated. Reproduced in Rochester: Mecca for Millions (Marquette Bank and Trust, 1979), page 231.

Rochester State Hospital

Rochester State Hospital

Rochester State Hospital (Rochester, Minnesota), 1890s.

Rochester State Hospital cemetery plat

Rochester State Hospital cemetery plat

A portion of a map, created in 1885, showing the patient numbers and names of people buried at Rochester State Hospital and their burial locations. From Rochester State Hospital cemetery records, available at the Minnesota Historical Society library as Location F612.O59 R6679 2002.

Black and white photograph of a Rochester State Hospital exhibit at the State Fair, c.1915.

Rochester State Hospital exhibit at the State Fair

Rochester State Hospital exhibit at the State Fair, c.1915.

Rochester State Hospital grounds

Rochester State Hospital grounds

Rochester State Hospital grounds, 1890s.

Rochester Training School of Nursing, class of 1901

Rochester Training School of Nursing, class of 1901

Rochester Training School of Nursing, class of 1901. Dr. Laura Linton is seated in the third row, at center. Image used courtesy of the History Center of Olmsted County, Rochester.

Color image of rock climbers at Interstate State Park, 2014.. Photograph by Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Staff.

Rock climbers at Interstate State Park

Rock climbers at Interstate State Park, 2014. Photograph by Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Staff.

Color image of rock climbing, 2014. From the photograph collection of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.

Rock climbing, Blue Mounds State Park

Rock climbing, 2014. From the photograph collection of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.

Rocks dropped from loaded barges, Duluth ship canal

Rocks dropped from loaded barges, Duluth ship canal

Rocks dropped from loaded barges into the water, Duluth ship canal c.1900.


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