Dakota bag featuring beadwork and quillwork created no earlier than 1856.

Dakota beaded and quilled bag

Dakota bag featuring beadwork and quillwork created no earlier than 1856.

Dakota woman’s hide and wool dress, c.1850s.

Dakota woman's dress

Dakota woman’s hide and wool dress, c.1850s.

Color image of a Dakota summer lodge, ca. 1846–1848. Watercolor painting by Seth Eastman.

Dakota summer lodge

Dakota summer lodge, ca. 1846–1848. Watercolor painting by Seth Eastman.

Watercolor on paper depicting Chief Wabasha’s village on the Mississippi River. Painted c.1845 by Seth Eastman.

Wabasha's village

Watercolor on paper depicting Wabasha’s village of Mdewakanton Dakota on the Mississippi River, 650 miles above St. Louis. Painted ca.1845 by Seth Eastman.

How the Dakota Have Shaped the State

The Land, Water, and Language of the Dakota, Minnesota’s First People

Expert Essay: Teresa Peterson (Sisseton-Wahpeton Dakota) and Walter LaBatte Jr. (also Sisseton-Wahpeton) examine the experiences of Dakota people in Mni Sota Makoce, their spiritual homeland.

Black and white photograph of Beargrease family.

Beargrease family, c.1895

John Beargrease and his family, c.1895. Image courtesy the Cook County Historical Society.

Black and white photograph of John Beargrease.

John Beargrease

John Beargrease, undated. Image courtesy of the Cook County Historical Society.

Color image of Charles Bender baseball card, 1911.

Charles Bender, 1911.

Charles Bender baseball card printed by the American Tobacco Company, 1911.

Black and white photograph of Charles Bender, c.1910.

Charles Bender, c.1910

Charles Bender wearing Philadelphia Athletics uniform, c.1910. Original press photograph from the George Grantham Bain Collection.

Black and white photograph of Charles Bender, 1903.

Charles Bender, 1903

Charles Bender at he beginning of his career, 1903.


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