August Ruther

August Ruther

From box 128 (112.B.11.12F) of Pardon Applications to the Minnesota Board of Pardons, 1923, 1930, 1934–1949. State Archives Collection, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.

Ruther, August (1876–1942)

August Ruther, who served in the German army in the 1890s, was charged with poisoning his brother-in-law in Rice County in 1917. Despite any direct evidence, a jury convicted him in eighty minutes, in large part due to anti-German nativism during World War I. His sentence was commuted to time served (eighteen years) in 1936.

Exterior of Kramarczuk Sausage Company in Minneapolis

Exterior of Kramarczuk Sausage Company in Minneapolis

The exterior of Kramarczuk Sausage Company, a deli and bakery in Minneapolis with Polish immigrant roots. Image by Wikimedia Commons user AlexiusHoratius, March 17, 2020. CC BY-SA 3.0

Map of Polish Catholic parishes in Minnesota

Map of Polish Catholic parishes in Minnesota. From page 4 of Poles in Minnesota (Minnesota Historical Society Press, 2005), by John Radzilowski.

Polish labor union button

Polish labor union button

Button representing the Polish labor union Solidarność (Solidarity). Manufactured between 1980 and 1984.

Polish Day in Sobieski

Polish Day in Sobieski

Participants in a Polish Day celebration in Sobieski, Minnesota, June 1982.

Polish Catholic Church, Delano

Polish Catholic Church, Delano

Polish Catholic Church in Delano, Minnesota, ca. 1940.

Polish National Alliance baseball team

Polish National Alliance baseball team

Polish National Alliance baseball team in East End Park (later renamed Gene Gabryck Park; Gabryck is the fourth from right in the front row), Winona, Minnesota. Photograph by Schomadter, 1939. Immigration History Research Center Archives Photograph Collection, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Mrs. Frank Ochocki and her children

Mrs. Frank Ochocki and her children

Mrs. Frank Ochocki and five of her children working in their garden, Hendricks, Minnesota. Undated but ca. 1930s. Immigration History Research Center Archives Photograph Collection, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Schoolchildren in Wilno

Schoolchildren in Wilno

Schoolchildren of St. John Cantius School in Wilno, Minnesota, 1930s. Immigration History Research Center Archives Photograph Collection, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.


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