Sauna stove

Sauna stove

Sauna stove, 1974. Photograph by Matti E. Kaups.

Chimneyless Savu Sauna near Markham, St. Louis County

Chimneyless Savu Sauna near Markham, St. Louis County

Chimneyless savusauna on an old homestead site near Markham, St. Louis County, c.1950. Photograph by Virginia Mesabi Daily News.

Interior of Finnish Bath House, New York Mills, Minn.

Interior of Finnish Bath House, New York Mills, Minn.

Engraving of the interior of the Finnish Bath House in New York Mills, Minnesota, 1889.

Ireland, John (1838–1918)

John Ireland was ordained a Catholic priest in St. Paul in 1861. By the time he was appointed archbishop of the newly organized Archdiocese of St. Paul in 1888, he was one of the city’s most prominent citizens. Ireland’s causes were many; he is remembered for attracting Irish immigrants to the state, for founding educational institutions, and for establishing the Catholic church in Minnesota.

Archbishop John Ireland

Archbishop John Ireland

Archbishop John Ireland, c.1910. Artist unknown.

Archbishop John Ireland

Archbishop John Ireland

John Ireland, 1862. Photograph by A. Larson.

John Ireland, St. Paul

John Ireland, St. Paul

John Ireland, St. Paul, 1908. Photograph by Golling Studio.


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