A resource for reliable information about significant people, places, events, and things in Minnesota history.
A Minnesota Home Guard Band, c.1918.
Minnesota Home Guard Camp during the fires of 1918.
Minnesota Home Guard camp providing assistance after the fires, 1918.
Minnesota Home Guard digging graves after the fires, 1918. Minnesota Governor J.A.A. Burnquist looks on (hatless, at center back).
Minnesota Home Guard sack coat.
Minnesota Home Guard, Motor Corps Cap, showing Motor Corps insignia.
The fires in Northeastern Minnesota killed over 450 people in October of 1918. Along with providing security and relief services, members of the Minnesota Home Guard buried the dead.
Minnesota Horticulturist magazine cover, June, 1958.
The meeting place of the Minnesota House of Representatives inside the Minnesota State Capitol. Photograph by Wayne Hsieh, July 22, 2017. CC BY-NC 2.0
Minnesota House of Representatives Agriculture Committee meeting, 1981. Photograph by Tom Olmscheid.