A resource for reliable information about significant people, places, events, and things in Minnesota history.
The meeting place of the Minnesota Senate inside the Minnesota State Capitol. Photograph by Wayne Hsieh, July 22, 2017. CC BY-NC 2.0
Senate members take the oath of office at the opening of the session, 1983. Photo by Mark M. Nelson.
Minnesota Senate with Alexander Ramsey and Henry H. Sibley, 1859.
1865 table of Minnesota Stage Company destinations and travel distances.
Photograph of a stagecoach traveling from Alexandria to Melrose, 1876.
Minnesota State Board of Health button, c.1930.
Minnesota State Capitol, July 22, 2017. Photograph by Wayne Hsieh. CC BY-NC 2.0
Minnesota State Capitol, September 8, 2017. Photograph by Wikimedia Commons user McGhiever. CC BY-SA 4.0.
Black and white print of the Minnesota State Capitol, c.1900, at Tenth and Wabasha Streets in St. Paul. This is where the NAAC business sessions were held.