The cover of the sheet music of “The Minnesota Boat Club March,” composed by Emile Oberhoffer and published in 1893. From folio M1658.M55 C65, Manuscripts Collection, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.

Minnesota Boat Club March sheet music

The cover of the sheet music of “The Minnesota Boat Club March,” composed by Emile Oberhoffer and published in 1893. From folio M1658.M55 C65, Manuscripts Collection, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.

Black and white photograph of attendees of the Minnesota BPW Convention in Duluth, 1967.

Minnesota BPW Convention

Attendees of the Minnesota BPW Convention in Duluth, 1967.

A bumper sticker (created in 1975) proclaiming Minnesota-brewed beer, including Hamm’s and Schmidt’s—founded by Theodore Hamm’s one-time friend and business competitor.

Minnesota Brewery bumper sticker

A bumper sticker (created in 1975) proclaiming Minnesota-brewed beer, including Hamm’s and Schmidt’s—founded by Theodore Hamm’s one-time friend and business competitor.

Minnesota Brush Electric Company letterhead, 1887

Minnesota Brush Electric Company letterhead, 1887

Minnesota Brush Electric Company letterhead from 1887, showing the company's electric light mast and generating plant.

Exterior of Minnesota Building with Morton gneiss at sidewalk level

Minnesota Building

The exterior of the Minnesota Building (St. Paul), which features Morton gneiss at the sidewalk level. Photograph by Paul Nelson, July 1, 2017.

Color image of exterior detailing of the Minnesota Building, 2009.

Minnesota Building exterior detailing

Exterior detailing of the Minnesota Building, 2009. Photograph by Thomas R. Zahn.

Minnesota Burns Night Supper program

Minnesota Burns Night Supper program

St. Andrew's Society of Minnesota Burns Night Supper program, 2002.

Minnesota Cadet Nurse Corps marching into Northrup Auditorium

Minnesota Cadet Nurse Corps marching into Northrup Auditorium

Seven hundred nurse cadets from Minneapolis and St. Paul enter Northrop Auditorium at the University of Minnesota for their induction ceremony, 1944. From the Katharine Densford Heritage Collection, Weaver-Densford Hall, University of Minnesota. Used with the permission of the University of the Minnesota School of Nursing.

Black and white photograph of the Minnesota Capitol before the installation of the Quadriga, possibly during the dedication ceremony, 1905.

Minnesota Capitol before the installation of the quadriga

View of the Minnesota Capitol before the installation of the quadriga, possibly during the dedication ceremony, 1905.

Color photograph of Minnesota Cartoonists Award presented to Curt Swan, October 2, 1993

Minnesota Cartoonists Award presented to Curt Swan, October 2, 1993

A group of Minnesota cartoonists and fans presented Swan with a Minnesota cartooning award designed by Jerry Fearing in 1993.


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