Thinsulate sample, 1987. The material, a moveable thermal layer, revolutionized the active outerwear industry.

Thinsulate sample

Thinsulate sample, 1987. The material, a moveable thermal layer, revolutionized the active outerwear industry.

Black and white photograph of a Farm Bureau workshop, 1960.

Third annual Ninth District Farm Bureau Women’s workshop

Third annual Ninth District Farm Bureau Women’s workshop at the Winter Shows, 1960. First row: Mrs. Daby, Strickler, Jobe, Thorsen. Second row: Mrs. Pyle, Mattson, Thureen, Hanson, Jurchen, Wm. Strickler, Geddes, Peterson. Third row: Mrs. Dragseth, Theo, Thureen. Fourth row: Mrs. Gorter, Wallin, W. Ross, Thorsen.

Third Avenue entrance to the Minneapolis Museum of Art

Third Avenue entrance to the Minneapolis Museum of Art

The Third Avenue entrance to the Minneapolis Museum of Art, part of the 1974 expansion designed by Japanese architect Kenzō Tange. Photo by David J . Nordgren, ca. 1975.

Black and white photograph of the third Cathedral of St. Paul, 1914. Photograph by Charles D. Lundin.

Third Cathedral of St. Paul

The third Cathedral of St. Paul, 1914. Photograph by Charles D. Lundin.

Black and white photograph of Third Infantry passing in review for Maud Hart Lovelace, author of Early Candlelight, which was set at Fort Snelling, September 1929.

Third Infantry passing in review for Maud Hart Lovelace

Third Infantry passing in review for Maud Hart Lovelace, author of Early Candlelight, which was set at Fort Snelling, September 1929.

3rd Minnesota national battle flag

Third Minnesota national battle flag

Flag carried by the Third during the latter half of the war.

Third Minnesota Volunteer Infantry Entering Little Rock

Third Minnesota Volunteer Infantry Entering Little Rock

The Third Minnesota triumphantly enters Little Rock in Stanley Arthurs's painting, in the Governor's Reception Room at the Minnesota State Capitol.

Black-and-white photograph of the third Mount Zion building.

Third Mount Zion building

Black-and-white photograph of the third Mount Zion building.

Color postcard view of the third Ramsey County courthouse, also used as St. Paul's City Hall, c.1935.

Third Ramsey County Courthouse

Postcard view of the third Ramsey County courthouse, also used as St. Paul's City Hall, c.1935.

Black and white photograph of Duluth’s Third Regiment Armory, a predecessor of the larger National Guard armory built in 1915. Photographed by Hugh McKenzie c. 1915.

Third Regiment Armory, Duluth

Duluth’s Third Regiment Armory, a predecessor of the larger National Guard armory built in 1915. Photographed by Hugh McKenzie, c.1915.


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