The New Way (1913 Plymouth Avenue, Minneapolis), a popular community center for the black community, ca. 1975. At the time this photograph was taken, it had just opened.
The Willmar 8 outside the Citizens National Bank of Willmar (Kandiyohi County) during their first days on the picket line, December 1977. From box 51 of the St. Paul Dispatch/Pioneer Press photographs arranged by subject (photographs collection), ca. 1910–1985, Minnesota Historical Society.
The women's basketball team, 1904. The team included Ogsen, Bertha Almen Vickner, Minnie Lundquist, Alice Green, Esther Nelson Ludeke, Matie Krohn, MarieEugelbreston, Clara Saunder Bohn, and Rosalie Youngdahl.
Theater-goers boarding the Minnesota Centennial Showboat on the East Bank River Flats below the University of Minnesota Campus, 1970. Photograph by the University of Minnesota Photographic Laboratory.
The front entrance of Theatre de la Jeune Lune at 105 North First Street, Minneapolis. Photograph by Sharon Morrow, November 16, 2008. CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.
Ticket holders waiting in the lobby of Theatre de la Jeune Lune in Minneapolis to see a show during the 2007 Minnesota Fringe Festival. Photo by Wikimedia Commons user Sophie, August 6, 2007. CC BY 2.0.