Black and white photograph of the Thomas L. Blood residence at 667 Central Park West in St. Paul, c.1888. Its view faces south.

Thomas L. Blood residence

Thomas L. Blood residence at 667 Central Park West in St. Paul, c.1888. Its view faces south.

Thomas Lowry

Thomas Lowry

Portrait of Thomas Lowry, ca. 1900. Artist: Floyd W. Horton.

Thomas Lowry

Thomas Lowry

Cabinet portrait of Thomas Lowry, c.1885. Photographer: Floyd’s Studio.

Thomas Lowry

Thomas Lowry

Thomas Lowry ca. 1895.

Thomas Lowry home, Hennepin and Groveland, Minneapolis

Thomas Lowry home

Thomas Lowry’s home, Hennepin and Groveland, Minneapolis, 1903.

Thomas Lowry monument

Thomas Lowry monument

Thomas Lowry monument, intersection of Hennepin and Lyndale avenues, Minneapolis.

View of Lowry District of Minneapolis; Thomas Lowry residence in foreground at H

Thomas Lowry residence

View of Lowry District of Minneapolis, Thomas Lowry residence in foreground, 1886.

Thomas Lowry's country estate, Monticello

Thomas Lowry's country estate, Monticello

Thomas Lowry’s country estate in Monticello, Minnesota, 1910.

Thomas Lowry's private car at Nicollet

Thomas Lowry's private car at Nicollet

Thomas Lowry’s private streetcar, exterior, c.1912.

Color image of Thomas Lyles monument, 2014.

Thomas Lyles monument

The tombstone of African American businessman Thomas Lyles in St. Paul’s Oakland Cemetery. Photographed by Paul Nelson on April 25, 2014.


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