A farm as it appeared in the aftermath of the Chandler–Lake Wilson Tornado, June 1992.

Farm damage

A farm as it appeared in the aftermath of the Chandler–Lake Wilson Tornado, June 1992.

Tornado debris in a ditch in the aftermath of the Chandler–Lake Wilson Tornado, June 1992.

Tornado debris

Tornado debris in a ditch in the aftermath of the Chandler–Lake Wilson Tornado, June 1992.

The exterior of Chandler-Lake Wilson High School as it appeared in June 1992, after the Chandler–Lake Wilson Tornado.

Chandler-Lake Wilson High School

The exterior of Chandler-Lake Wilson High School as it appeared in June 1992, after the Chandler–Lake Wilson Tornado.

Survivors inspect property damage in Chandler after the Chandler–Lake Wilson Tornado, June 1992.

Tornado damage in Chandler

Survivors inspect property damage in Chandler after the Chandler–Lake Wilson Tornado, June 1992.

Main Street in Chandler after the Chandler–Lake Wilson Tornado, June 1992.

Main Street, Chandler

Main Street in Chandler after the Chandler–Lake Wilson Tornado, June 1992.

A grain elevator in Chandler after the Chandler–Lake Wilson Tornado, June 1992.

Chandler grain elevator after the tornado

A grain elevator in Chandler after the Chandler–Lake Wilson Tornado, June 1992.

Color image of the reenactment of courthouse battle during the Murray County sesquicentennial celebration, 2007.

Murray County Sesquicentennial

Reenactment of courthouse battle during the Murray County sesquicentennial celebration, 2007.

Aerial view of Slayton, 1983. Photograph by Vincent H. Mart.

Aerial view of Slayton

Aerial view of Slayton, 1983. Photograph by Vincent H. Mart.

Black and white photograph of Main Street in Currie, 1956.

Main Street in Currie

Main Street in Currie, 1956.

Black and white photograph of the Avoca marker in Murray County. Part of the Coteau des Prairies, Murray County. Photograph ca. 1942.

Avoca marker in Murray County

Avoca marker in Murray County, ca. 1942. Part of the Coteau des Prairies, Murray County.


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