Congregation standing outside Swedish Lutheran Church in Svea Township

Congregation standing outside Swedish Lutheran Church in Svea Township

Congregation standing outside Swedish Lutheran Church in Svea Township (Kittson County), ca. 1910. Churches helped Swedish immigrants meet the challenges of adapting to their new lives, especially in rural areas.

Congressional voting card

Congressional voting card

A card documenting an interview Myrtle Cain conducted to test support for the Equal Rights Amendment, ca. 1928. Congressional voting card collection, National Woman’s Party.

Black and white photograph of Congressman John T. Bernard at Mesaba Co-op Park, 1938.

Congressman John T. Bernard at Mesaba Co-op Park

Congressman John T. Bernard at Mesaba Co-op Park, 1938. Image used with the permission of the Iron Range Research Center, Chisholm.

Black and white photograph of Congressman Melvin Maas (right) with a disabled constituent, 1930.

Congressman Melvin Maas (right) with a disabled constituent

Congressman Melvin Maas (right) with a disabled constituent, 1930.

Painting of Connemara Patch

Connemara Patch

Oil-on-canvas painting of Connemara Patch by Wilbur Hausenur, ca. 1935.

Color image of a Conservation Corps knapsack used by Fred Fretheim, CCC Company 3707, Two Harbors, Minnesota, ca. 1936–1937.

Conservation Corps knapsack

Conservation Corps knapsack used by Fred Fretheim, CCC Company 3707, Two Harbors, Minnesota, ca. 1936–1937.

Black and white photograph depicting construction of the conservatory, ca. 1915.

Conservatory construction

Conservatory construction, ca. 1915.

Black and white photograph of the Conservatory exterior, ca. 1916. Photograph by William J. Hosted.

Conservatory exterior

Conservatory exterior, ca. 1916. Photograph by William J. Hosted.

Black and white photograph of the conservatory exterior, 1928.

Conservatory exterior

Conservatory exterior, 1928.

Color postcard of the Conservatory, ca. 1955.

Conservatory postcard

Postcard of the Conservatory, ca. 1955.


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