Black and white photograph of Reverend Stephen Riggs and his wife, Mary Riggs, c.1860.

Reverend Stephen Riggs and his wife, Mary Riggs

Reverend Stephen Riggs and his wife, Mary Riggs, ca. 1860.

Black and white photograph of Reviewing officers at Motor Corps encampment, Fairmont, c.1918. (L to R) W.A. Curtis, Edward Karow, unidentified, unidentified, Motor Corps commander, Colonel W.A. Stephens.

Reviewing officers at Motor Corps encampment, Fairmont

Reviewing officers at Motor Corps encampment, Fairmont, c.1918. (L to R) W.A. Curtis, Edward Karow, unidentified, unidentified, Motor Corps commander, Colonel Winfield Stephens. Photograph from Minnesota Historical Society Sound and Visual Collection II.4.

Photograph of a St. Paul Police worker revising police records

Revising police records

Revising police records, St. Paul, ca. 1938.

Reward poster for Alvin Karpis and Fred Barker

Reward poster for Alvin Karpis and Fred Barker

Reward poster seeking Karpis and Barker for the 1931 murder of Sheriff C. R. Kelly, the crime that drove the gang from Missouri to St. Paul.

Black and white scan of a reward poster for Alvin Karpis and Fred Barker, c.1936.

Reward poster for Alvin Karpis and Fred Barker

Reward poster for Alvin Karpis and Fred Barker, c.1936.

Photograph of a rhinoceros at the Lake Superior Zoo

Rhinoceros at the Lake Superior Zoo

A rhinoceros at the Lake Superior Zoo, 1964.

Map showing the physical size of the West Side of St. Paul (Ward 6), 1880.

Rice's map of the city of St. Paul, Minnesota, 1880

Map showing the physical size of the West Side of St. Paul (Ward 6), 1880.

Color photograph of Richard DeWall.

Richard DeWall

Photograph of Richard DeWall. From the Pioneers of the Medical Device Industry in Minnesota Oral History Project.

Black and white photograph of Richard R. Sackett, in charge of a historical records survey crew salvaging old documents at the second state capitol prior to demolition, inspects oak paneling, 1937. Photographed by the Minneapolis Tribune.

Richard R. Sackett inspecting oak paneling at the second state capitol

Richard R. Sackett, in charge of a historical records survey crew salvaging old documents at the second state capitol prior to demolition, inspects oak paneling, 1937. Photographed by the Minneapolis Tribune.

Pamphlet promoting Richard Thompson Buckler, a Farm Bureau member, for re-election to the U.S. House of Representatives.

Richard T. Buckler pamphlet

Pamphlet promoting Richard Thompson Buckler, a Farm Bureau member, for re-election to the U.S. House of Representatives.


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