Rev. Robert Hickman

Rev. Robert Hickman

Rev. Robert Hickman, one of the founders of Pilgrim Baptist Church, ca. 1877.

Black and white photograph of Rev. William M. Majors, c.1920. Majors was pastor of St. Mark’s AME at the time of the 1920 Duluth lynchings.

Rev. William M. Majors

Rev. William M. Majors, c.1920. Majors was pastor of St. Mark’s AME at the time of the 1920 Duluth lynchings.

Black and white photograph of the Reverend Bernt J. Muus, c.1875.

Reverend Bernt J. Muus

The Reverend Bernt J. Muus, c.1875. Photographer: Mrs. John H. Oleson.

Black and white photograph of Reverend Bernt J. Muus, c.1880.

Reverend Bernt J. Muus

Photograph of Reverend Bernt J. Muus c.1880. Muus was a leading nineteenth century Norwegian-American Lutheran clergyman whose legal and personal clashes with his wife, Oline Pind Muus, led the couple to court in the early 1880s.

Black and white photograph of the Reverend Bernt J. Muus and family outside of Holden Parsonage in Kenyon, c.1875.

Reverend Bernt J. Muus and Family, Holden Parsonage

The Reverend Bernt J. Muus and family outside of Holden Parsonage in Kenyon, c.1875.

Reverend Chauncy Hobart of Red Wing. Chaplain of the Third Regiment of Minnesota Volunteers. Chaplain of the House in the first Territorial Legislature and of the State Legislature in 1877.

Reverend Chauncy Hobart of Red Wing

Reverend Chauncey Hobart of Red Wing, c.1870. Chaplain of the Third Regiment of Minnesota Volunteers. Chaplain of the House in the first Territorial Legislature and of the State Legislature in 1877.

Photograph of Reverend John Sornberger, a lumberjack sky pilot, preaching c.1930.

Reverend John Sornberger

Photograph of Reverend John Sornberger, a lumberjack sky pilot, preaching, c.1930.

Photograph of a car straddling a railroad track. The car was used to transport Reverend John Sornberger to lumber camps c.1930.

Reverend John Sornberger's car

Photograph of a car straddling a railroad track. The car was used to transport Reverend John Sornberger to lumber camps, c.1930.

Reverend Moses N. Adams

Reverend Moses N. Adams

Reverend Moses N. Adams, ca. 1865. Adams did missionary work at Lac qui Parle and assisted in compiling a Dakota dictionary.

Black and white photograph of Stephen R. Riggs, 1862. Photographed by Whitney’s Gallery.

Reverend Stephen Riggs

Stephen R. Riggs, 1862. Photographed by Whitney’s Gallery.


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