A black and white photograph showing CCHS President O.D. Sell in Mayer with a donated banner from the German Reading Society.

O. D. Sell with a banner from the German Reading Society

CCHS President O.D. Sell in Mayer with a donated banner from the German Reading Society, 1942.

Black and white photograph of the Oak Park Home for Children (formerly the Jewish Sheltering Home for Children) at 1704–1708 Oak Park Avenue in Minneapolis, 1948.

Oak Park Home for Children

The Oak Park Home for Children (formerly the Jewish Sheltering Home for Children) at 1704–1708 Oak Park Avenue in Minneapolis, 1948. Forms part of the Sharron and Oren Steinfeldt Photography Collection at the Nathan and Theresa Berman Upper Midwest Jewish Archives (University of Minnesota, St. Paul).

Color image of oak savanna in spring, ca. 2010.

Oak savanna in spring

Oak savanna in spring, ca. 2010. Photographed by Linda Huhn Photography. Used with the permission of Linda Huhn and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.

Color image of an oak savanna in summer, ca. 2010.

Oak savanna in summer

Oak savanna in summer, ca. 2010. Photographed by Craig Thiesen. Used with the permission of Craig Thiesen and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.

Color image of the Helen Allison Savanna Scientific and Natural Area, Anoka County, ca. 2010.

Oak savanna landscape

Helen Allison Savanna Scientific and Natural Area, Anoka County, ca. 2010. Used with the permission of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.

Map showing the extent of the oak savanna ecosystem in Minnesota.

Oak savanna map

Map showing the extent of the oak savanna ecosystem in Minnesota created by Faith Balch. The areas colored dark green are oak savanna lands. Used with the permission of Faith Balch and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.

Color image of Oakland Cemetery, St. Paul

Oakland Cemetery, St. Paul

A panoramic view of St. Paul’s Oakland Cemetery. Photographed by Paul Nelson on April 25, 2014.

Black and white photograph of Oberhoffer at behind a podium, c.1903.

Oberhoffer at podium

Oberhoffer behind a podium, c.1903.

Observatory, Carleton College, Northfield

Observatory, Carleton College, Northfield

Architect's c.1887 drawing of Goodsell Observatory, including a small floor plan. From American Architect and Building News, no. 601 (July 2, 1887).

Observers at the Norway Brook duck race

Observers at the Norway Brook duck race

Observers gather for the duck race at Norway Brook, August 10, 2018. Used with the permission of the Cass County Historical Society.


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