Photograph of Norwood public school in 1903. Photograph Collection, Carver County Historical Society, Waconia.

Norwood public school

Photograph of Norwood public school, 1903. Photograph Collection, Carver County Historical Society, Waconia.

Color scan of a note written from D. F. McDermott to James J. Hill on August 6, 1890, regarding supplies ordered by Mr. Ledwidge of Clontarf Township. Mr. Ledwidge trained Hill’s hunting dogs.

Note written from D. F. McDermott to James J. Hill on August 6, 1890

Note written from D. F. McDermott to James J. Hill on August 6, 1890, regarding supplies ordered by Mr. Ledwidge of Clontarf Township. Mr. Ledwidge trained Hill’s hunting dogs. Letter is from the Hill Family Collection, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.

Number 8 Shaft, Soudan

Number 8 Shaft, Soudan

Shaft number eight, Soudan Mine, c.1900

Nurse visiting a home

Nurse visiting a home

A nurse preparing to enter a "home of sickness” while working for the Visiting Nurses Association, ca. 1910.

Nurse with patient in Fergus Falls State Hospital

Nurse with patient in Fergus Falls State Hospital.

Nurse with patient in Fergus Falls State Hospital c.1900.

Nurse's cape

Nurse's cape

A cape worn as part of a nurse's uniform. Used by Virginia Rice in St. Paul during World War I.

Nursing assistants’ class graduation

Nursing assistants’ class graduation

Nursing assistants’ class graduation party, 2018. Students standing in back. English and Nursing Instructors sitting in front. Photo taken in the Hall of Nations at the International Institute of Minnesota in St. Paul. Used with the permission of the International Institute of Minnesota.

University Hospital nursing class

Nursing class at University Hospital

Nursing class at University Hospital (University of Minnesota), ca. 1937.

Nursing project at University Hospital

Nursing project at University Hospital

A participant in a nursing project at University Hospital (University of Minnesota), ca. 1937.

Nursing project at University Hospital

A nurse participating in a nursing project at University Hospital (University of Minnesota) serves food to a patient, ca. 1937.


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