Carlos Avery Game Farm

Carlos Avery Game Farm

General view of Carlos Avery Game Farm, Anoka County, 1938.

Carlos Avery Game Farm dedication event

Carlos Avery Game Farm dedication event

Minnesota Federal Symphonic Band playing at the dedication of the Carlos Avery Game Refuge, 1938.

Carlos Avery Game Farm’s field station and laboratory.

Carlos Avery Game Farm’s field station and laboratory.

Field station and laboratory with sign reading “Carlos Avery Wildlife HQ.” Photograph by Vickie Wendel, Anoka County Historical Society, October 23, 2016. Used with the permission of Anoka County Historical Society.

Carlos Avery Game Farm’s incubation building

Carlos Avery Game Farm’s incubation building

The Carlos Avery Game Farm’s incubation building. Photograph by Vickie Wendel, Anoka County Historical Society, October 23, 2016. Used with the permission of Anoka County Historical Society.

Photograph of Carlson's limestone kiln

Carlson kiln

A Milwaukee Road train pulls up to G.A. Carlson's limestone kiln, still in existence today, on the Mississippi River side of Barn Bluff, c. 1895. Red Wing became known as Minnesota's "Lime Center" in the 1870s as local quarrying firms and their kilns reduced limestone to lime.

Black and white aerial photograph of Carman in the 1940s.


Carman in the 1940s.

Photograph of a page in a Polk County plat book (1902) showing Carman’s street layout, including a creamery, hotels, a school, and artesian wells.

Carman as pictured in plat book, 1902

Photograph of a page in a Polk County plat book (1902) showing Carman’s street layout, including a creamery, hotels, a school, and artesian wells.

Color image of the Carnegie Library, 120 North Ash Street, Crookston, 2016.

Carnegie Library, 120 North Ash Street, Crookston

The Carnegie Building, designed by Bert Keck in 1904, completed in 1908, 2016.

Black and white photograph of a library building designed by Keck in 1904 and completed in 1908. Located at 120 North Ash Street.

Carnegie Library, Crookston, Minnesota

Library building designed by Keck in 1904 and completed in 1908. Located at 120 North Ash Street.

Black and white photograph of Carol and Cotton Thompson on their wedding day, March 27, 1948.

Carol and Cotton Thompson

Carol and Cotton Thompson on their wedding day, March 27, 1948. Used with the permission of Margaret Chula.


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