A resource for reliable information about significant people, places, events, and things in Minnesota history.
The first Minnesota Capitol, 1853-1872.
Dancers of Mi Perú-Minnesota wear Caporales dance attire. Caporales is an Afro-Andean dance from the mountain regions of Peru and Bolivia. Photo by Sarah Leon Waddell, 2022. Used with the permission of Sarah Leon Waddell Photography.
Front cover of the April 1921 issue of Captain Billy's Whiz Bang.
Front cover of the July 1922 issue of Captain Billy's Whiz Bang.
Captain John P. Ernster, c.1918. Ernster commanded the Aero Division of the Minnesota Motor Corps.
Portrait of Jonathan Carver, who was an early explorer of the area that later became Carver County.
Captain Josias King, c.1864.
Captain L. W. Caffey, infantry instructor, at Fort Snelling, ca. 1917.
Captain Mahlon Black, Second Company of Minnesota Sharpshooters, c.1862. Photograph by Joel Emmons Whitney.
Captain’s uniform shoulder insignia, worn by Captain Mahlon Black, Second Company of Minnesota Sharpshooters, 1862–1865.