Black and white photograph of the present-day Site of the Hays–Phelan cabin, ca. 2000s.

Site of the Hays–Phelan cabin

Site of the Hays–Phelan cabin, between the later sites of Eagle Street Plaza and the Science Museum of Minnesota. In the background, the Civic Center Parking Ramp. Used with the permission of Gary Brueggemann, in whose book, Minnesota’s First Murder Mystery (Beaver’s Pond Press, 2013), the map originally appeared.

Site where Glacial Lake Agassiz flowed into River Warren

Site where Glacial Lake Agassiz flowed into River Warren

Aerial photograph showing flooding in the Traverse Gap, the former southern outlet of Glacial Lake Agassiz and the source of River Warren. Ice-covered Lake Traverse (Mde Hdakiŋyaŋ), a natural border between Minnesota (left) and South Dakota (right) is at bottom center; Big Stone Lake (Mde Iŋyaŋ Taŋka) is at top center. Photo by JOR Engineering, Inc., March 14, 2007. CC BY-SA 3.0

Sitting room in Folsom House

Sitting room in Folsom House

Bedroom in Folsom House, Taylors Falls. Photograph by Alan Ominsky, 1971.

Six Fat Dutchmen sign

Six Fat Dutchmen sign

Sign inside the Minnesota Music Hall of Fame used to advertise the Six Fat Dutchmen as the premier polka band in the United States. Photo by Robin Gehl, 2020.

Sixteenth Battalion event advertisement

Sixteenth Battalion event advertisement

Advertisement for an event hosted by Company A of the Sixteenth Battalion, Minnesota Home Guard. Image is from the St. Paul Appeal, May 25, 1918.

Black and white photograph of Musicians of the Sixteenth Battalion Band, c.1918.

Sixteenth Battalion musicians

Musicians of the Sixteenth Battalion Band, c.1918.

6th Minnesota company flag

Sixth Minnesota company flag

The Women of St. Paul presented this patriotic silk flag to the members of the Sixth Minnesota's Company G on October 23, 1862.

Sixth Minnesota company flag

Sixth Minnesota company flag

Flag of Company G of the Sixth Minnesota Infantry is made of blue silk, with the motto "Union Forever" on the obverse and "Conquor or Die" on reverse. It was presented by women of St. Paul to Company G on October 23, 1862.

Black and white photograph of Swede Hollow with the Sixth Street Bridge in the background, c.1900.

Sixth Street Bridge, St. Paul; Swede Hollow Below Bridge

Swede Hollow with the Sixth Street Bridge in the background, c.1900.


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