Sister Kenny Institute polio patients help Sister Kenny celebrate Institute's first birthday.

Sister Kenny Institute polio patients help Sister Kenny celebrate Institute's first birthday

Sister Kenny Institute polio patients help Sister Kenny celebrate Institute's first birthday. December 1943.

Sister Kenny Institute staff help Sister Kenny celebrate Institute's first birthday.

Sister Kenny Institute staff help Sister Kenny celebrate Institute's first birthday

Sister Kenny Institute staff helps Sister Kenny celebrate Institute's first birthday. December 1943.

Sister Kenny's Polio Solution

In this brief radio documentary, MN90 producer Andi McDaniel learns how Aussie-Minnesotan Elizabeth Kenny revolutionized polio care.

Sister Mary Giovanni Gourhan, 1972. Gourhan founded the Guadalupetrea Project Alternative School in 1962.

Sister Mary Giovanni Gourhan

Sister Mary Giovanni Gourhan, 1972. Gourhan founded the Guadalupetrea Project Alternative School in 1962.

Black and white photograph of Sister Mary William Brady, Agnes Keenan, and Sister Maris Stella Smith (later Sister Alice Smith), 1961.

Sister Mary William Brady, Agnes Keenan, and Sister Maris Stella

From left to right: Sister Mary William Brady, Agnes Keenan, and Sister Maris Stella Smith (later Sister Alice Smith), 1961. From the Agnes Keenan Collection. St. Catherine University Archives, St. Paul.

Sisters of St. Benedict in front of the Gardner family house

Sisters of St. Benedict in front of the Gardner family house

Sisters of St. Benedict in front of the Gardner family house (301 Summit Avenue, St. Paul) in 1948. Used with the permission of the Germanic-American Institute.

Site map of Little Round Hill, 2104.

Site map of Little Round Hill

Sketch of Little Round Hill site with excavation units and shovel test plots indicated. Printed in Katherine Hayes’ “Results of Survey and Excavation of the Little Round Hill (2WD16) and Cadotte Post (21WD17) Sites in Wadena County, Minnesota: A View of the Fur Trade in the Late Eighteenth Century,” a report prepared for the Wadena County Historical Society, 2014.

Site of Fort Charlotte on the Pigeon River

Site of Fort Charlotte on the Pigeon River

The site of Fort Charlotte at the western end of the Grand Portage trail on the southern shore of the Pigeon River, 1922. The photograph is looking upstream and was taken from the Canadian (north) shore of the river. Images such as this one helped spark interest in preserving the trail and depot sites in the 1920s.

Site of the discovery of the Kensington Runestone

Site of the discovery of the Kensington Runestone. Left to right: Edwin Bjerklund, Olaf Flaaten, Olof Ohman, ca. 1910.

Site of the first meeting of the Church of St. Columba congregation (St. Paul

Site at the corner of Hamline and Thomas Avenues where the congregation of the Church of St. Columba (St. Paul) gathered in 1914 to participate in services for the first time. Photograph by Paul Nelson, August 16, 2017.


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