Leonard A. Rosing, c.1905

Leonard A. Rosing

Leonard A. Rosing, c.1905. Photograph by Johnson & Company.

Poster for Leonard A. Rosing, Democratic candidate for Minnesota governor, 1902.

Leonard A. Rosing poster

Poster for Leonard A. Rosing, Democratic candidate for Minnesota governor, 1902.

Black and white photograph of Leonard Slatkin at Sommerfest, c.1983.

Leonard Slatkin at Sommerfest

Leonard Slatkin at Sommerfest, c.1983.

Black and white photograph of Leonidas and Elizabeth Merritt, around the time merchantable ore was discovered on the Mesabi, c.1890.

Leonidas and Elizabeth Merritt

Leonidas and Elizabeth Merritt, around the time merchantable ore was discovered on the Mesabi, c.1890.

Photograph of Leonidas Merritt, c.1919.

Leonidas Merritt

Leonidas Merritt in Duluth, ca. 1919.

Black and white photograph of Leonidas Merritt on the Vermillion Trail, 1892.

Leonidas Merritt on Old Vermillion Trail, just north of Duluth

Leonidas Merritt on the Vermillion Trail, 1892.

Leroy Buffington

Leroy Buffington

Portrait of Leroy Buffington by William Cogswell, 1889. Owned and donated to the Minnesota Historical Society by Buffington's daughter Ella.

LeRoy S. Buffington

LeRoy S. Buffington

Cabinet photograph of Leroy Buffington, c.1895. Photographer: George W. Floyd.

Black and white photograph of Leslie Park, c.1955.

Leslie C. Park

Leslie Park, c.1955.

Letter from David Olmsted to Antoine Grignon

Letter from David Olmsted to Antoine Grignon

Letter sent from David Olmsted to Antoine Grignon requesting tea and sugar, June 21, 1851. Olmsted was living at and managing a trading post at Long Prairie at the time. From the Eben Douglas Pierce papers (Manuscripts Collection, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison). Used with the permission of the Wisconsin Historical Society.


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