Black and white photograph left to right: Gerald Vizenor, Chester Anderson, and Meridel Le Sueur, c.1974.

Left to right: Gerald Vizenor, Chester Anderson, and Meridel Le Sueur

Left to right: Gerald Vizenor, Chester Anderson, and Meridel Le Sueur, c.1974.

Legislative hearing on property taxes, 1971

Legislative hearing on property taxes, 1971

“Protestors pack the St. Paul Armory for a joint legislative hearing on property taxes, April 1, 1971.” Caption and photograph from Dave Kenney and Thomas Saylor, Minnesota in the 70s (St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society Press, 2013), 20. Original photo in Minnesota Historical Society collections.

Legislative stationery and campaign cards of Hannah Kempfer

Legislative stationery and campaign cards of Hannah Kempfer

Legislative stationery and campaign cards of Hannah Kempfer, undated. Otter Tail County Historical Society, Fergus Falls.

Black and white photograph of legislators (including Allan Spear, far right) tour the Minnesota Zoological Garden, 1980.

Legislators (including Allan Spear, far right) tour the Minnesota Zoological Garden

Legislators (including Allan Spear, far right) tour the Minnesota Zoological Garden, 1980.

Leif Ericson memorial unveiling

Leif Ericson memorial unveiling

The Leif Erikson memorial, partially unveiled, during its dedication ceremony on October 9, 1949. Photograph by the St. Paul Dispatch-Pioneer Press.

Leif Erikson memorial

Leif Erikson memorial

The Leif Erikson memorial on the grounds of the Minnesota State Capitol, St. Paul. Photograph by Wikimedia Commons user Mulad, June 22, 2005. Public domain.

Leif Erikson memorial

Leif Erikson memorial

The Leif Erikson memorial after its unveiling during a dedication ceremony held on the grounds of the Minnesota State Capitol on October 9, 1949. Photograph by St. Paul Dispatch-Pioneer Press.

Leif Erikson memorial

Leif Erikson memorial

The Leif Erikson memorial on the grounds of the Minnesota State Capitol, St. Paul, ca. 1950.

Leif Erikson memorial dedication ceremony

Leif Erikson memorial dedication ceremony

The Leif Erikson memorial during its dedication ceremony in St. Paul on October 9, 1949. Photograph by the St. Paul Dispatch-Pioneer Press.

Leif Erikson memorial dedication ceremony

Leif Erikson memorial dedication ceremony

A speaker addresses the crowd during the dedication ceremony of the Leif Erikson memorial on the Minnesota State Capitol grounds in St. Paul, October 9, 1949. Photograph by the Minneapolis Star-Journal.


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