A resource for reliable information about significant people, places, events, and things in Minnesota history.
Casiville Bullard House, St. Paul, October 1, 2013. Photograph by Wikimedia Commons user St. Paul Paul, October 1, 2013. CC BY-SA 3.0
Casiville Bullard House, Front View, 1282 Folsom Street, St. Paul
Casiville Bullard House, Side View, 1282 Folsom Street, St. Paul
Cass Gilbert, 1907. Photograph by Pach.
Cass Gilbert, 1880.
Architect Cass Gilbert and his staff during construction of the third Minnesota State Capitol, ca. 1900.
Cass Gilbert and staff during construction of the State Capitol, St. Paul, c.1900.
Cass Gilbert on the roof of the State Capitol, 1901.
Cass Gilbert standing before the partially completed State Capitol dome, 1901.
Castleswanhill, a chicken house adjacent to Schott Barn, c.1985.