Photograph of the Carson Male Chorus, 1949

Carson Male Chorus

Carson Male Chorus, 1949. Pictured are (back row) John Friesen, Frank Rempel, Pete Ewert, unidentified, Dave Schultz, Abe Hooge, unidentified, Clarence Winters, unidentified, Jacob Bartsch, and Jacob D. Wiebe; and (front row) William Neufeld, Harry Wiens, Ben Friesen, unidentified, Menno Wiebe, [Duke?] Wiens, Ted Lepp, Anton Dick, Albert Weins, Abe Ewert, Harold Wiens, unidentified, and Abe Dick. Used with the permission of Glenn Wiebe.
Source: Collection of Glenn Wiebe

Photograph of the Carson Male Chorus, 1952

Carson Male Chorus

Carson Male Chorus, 1952. Pictured are (back row) John Wiens, Pete Ewert, Frank Rempel, John Friesen, Henry Rempel, unidentified, Abe Hooge, P. W. Balzer, Abe Dick, Al Friesen, Clarence Winters. Middle Row: Menno Wiebe, Ted Lepp, Henry Ewert, Harry Rempel, Waldo Wiens, Albert Wiens, Duke Wiens, Harold Wiens, Isaac Wiens, Sam Dick, Ben Friesen; and front row: Anton Dick, Merv Gardner, William Neufeld, and Jacob D. Wiebe (director). Used with the permission of Glenn Wiebe.

Color image of Carson Mennonite Brethren Church, Delft, Minnesota (1949–2005). Photograph ca. 2000s.

Carson Mennonite Brethren Church

Carson Mennonite Brethren Church, Delft, Minnesota (1949–2005), ca. 2000s.

Color image of a memorial inside Carson Mennonite Brethren Church Cemetery, August 25, 2013.

Carson Mennonite Brethren Church Cemetery memorial

Memorial inside Carson Mennonite Brethren Church Cemetery, August 25, 2013.

Color image of the Carson Mennonite Brethren Church centennial celebration, 1975.

Carson Mennonite Brethren Church centennial celebration

Lillian Foth, Lena Ewert, Helen Wiens, Linda Friesen, Nettie Eytzen, and Rachel Wiens, sing as a sextet at a Carson Mennonite Brethren Church Centennial celebration, 1975.

Carter–Mondale campaign button

Carter–Mondale campaign button

Pinback button supporting the campaign of Jimmy Carter (left) and Walter Mondale (right) for president and vice-president, respectively, 1976.

Carter–Mondale presidential campaign ephemera

Carter–Mondale presidential campaign ephemera

Guest pass related to the 1976 presidential campaign of Jimmy Carter and Walter Mondale. Used after September 20, 1976.

Cartoon depicting Minnesota Republicans after the 1978 election

Cartoon depicting Minnesota Republicans after the 1978 election

Cartoon by Scott Long (“The End of a Long Drought”) depicting Minnesota Republicans after the 1978 election, November 13, 1978. From Dave Kenney and Thomas Saylor’s Minnesota in the 70s (St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society, 2013), 219. For the original artwork, see the political cartoons and related papers (1946–1980) of Scott Long, Manuscripts Collection, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.

Black and white scan of a cartoon from the Seattle Industrial Worker, February 3, 1917.

Cartoon from the Seattle Industrial Worker

Cartoon from the Seattle Industrial Worker, February 3, 1917.

Cartoon portrait of Maas from St. Paul Daily News January 9, 1926.

Cartoon portrait of Melvin Maas

Cartoon portrait of Maas from St. Paul Daily News, January 9, 1926.


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