Photograph of a group of Santee Dakota taken at Prairie Island c.1915.

Santee Dakota at Prairie Island

Photograph of a group of Santee Dakota taken at Prairie Island c.1915.

Santiago dance from Huancayo, Peru

Santiago dance from Huancayo, Peru

Dancers of Mi Perú-Minnesota wear Santiago dance attire from Huaycayo, Peru, ca. 2024. The Santiago dance is a way the Andean community of Huancayo, Peru, pays tribute to the land and gives thanks for the harvests. It is an event full of joy. Photo used with the permission of Mi Perú-Minnesota.

Photograph of a Sap Strainer

Sap strainer

Sieve used to strain out impurities from maple syrup after it had been boiled down. Used no later than 1959. Forms part of the Jeannette O. and Harry D. Dyer Ojibwe Collection.

Sarah Bad Heart Bull and AIM members in Custer, South Dakota

Sarah Bad Heart Bull (center, wearing glasses) confronts law enforcement officers on the steps of the courthouse in Custer, South Dakota, 1973. From box 3 (152.B.11.3B) of Wounded Knee Legal Defense / Offense Committee records, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.

Sarah Burger Stearns

Sarah Burger Stearns

Sarah Burger Stearns (1836–1904), 1897. From American Women: Fifteen Hundred Biographies with Over 1,400 Portraits, Frances E. Willard and Mary A. Livermore, editors. Mast, Crowell & Kirkpatrick, 1897 (revised edition from 1893), vol. 2, 681.

Sarah Burger Stearns

Sarah Burger Stearns

Sarah Burger Stearns in Duluth, 1880.

Sarah Burger Stearns

Sarah Burger Stearns

Engraving of Sarah Burger Stearns, undated. From History of Woman Suffrage, Ida Husted Harper et al., eds (Rochester, NY: Susan B. Anthony, 1889).

Sarah Burger Stearns

Sarah Burger Stearns

Sarah Burger Stearns in Duluth, 1895.

Sarah Colvin in Washington, DC

Sarah Colvin in Washington, DC

Sarah Colvin, president of the Minnesota branch of the National Woman's Party, poses in front of party headquarters in Washington, DC, 1918. Records of the National Woman’s Party, Library of Congress.

Black and white photograph of Sarah Elizabeth Gordon Chubb, c.1870.

Sarah Elizabeth Gordon Chubb

Sarah Elizabeth Gordon Chubb, c.1870.


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