Saluma Omar in her jewelry shop inside Karmel Mall

Saluma Omar in her jewelry shop inside Karmel Mall in Minneapolis. Photograph by Bill Jolitz, 2012. Printed in Somalis in Minnesota, by Ahmed Ismail Yusuf (St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society Press, 2012), 55.

Black and white photograph of the Salvation Army Hostel, 317 Robert, St. Paul, ca. 1920.

Salvation Army Hostel, St. Paul

Salvation Army Hostel, 317 Robert, St. Paul, ca. 1920. Photographed by Golling Studio.

Black and white photograph of Sam (Smarajit) and Sumita Mitra, a husband-and-wife team of 3M research scientists, display their U.S. patent for copolymerizable UV stabilizers, 1987.

Sam and Sumita Mitra

Sam (Smarajit) and Sumita Mitra, a husband-and-wife team of 3M research scientists, display their U.S. patent for copolymerizable UV stabilizers, 1987. Used with the permission of Sam and Sumita Mitra.

Sample card of glass seed beads

Sample card of glass seed beads

Sample card of glass seed beads sold at the Mille Lacs Indian Trading Post between 1920 and 1959.

Color image of a sample card of glass seed beads sold at the Mille Lacs Indian Museum and Trading Post in Onamia between 1920 and 1959.

Sample card of glass seed beads

Sample card of glass seed beads sold at the Mille Lacs Indian Museum and Trading Post in Onamia between 1920 and 1959.

Color image of a sample from the Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome's air-supported, ten-acre, Teflon-coated fiberglass fabric roof, which deflated to a snowstorm Dec. 12, 2010.

Sample from the Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome roof

Sample from the Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome's air-supported, ten-acre, Teflon-coated fiberglass fabric roof, which deflated to a snowstorm December 12, 2010.

Samuel A. Miller and family

Samuel A. Miller and family

Samuel A. Miller and family, ca. 1920s. Photograph by Monroe P. Killy.

Samuel Bloomer

Samuel Bloomer

Samuel Bloomer wearing Grand Army of the Republic badge, 1875.

Samuel Bloomer's Grave.

Samuel Bloomer's Grave.

Monument marking Bloomer's grave in Fairview Cemetery, Stillwater, Minnesota. Photograph by Peter DeCarlo, 2009.


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