Black and white photograph of the kitchen, Rochester State Hospital, March 18, 1905.

Kitchen, Rochester State Hospital

Kitchen, Rochester State Hospital, March 18, 1905.

Photograph of the Kitchenette Band during Hospital Days. Printed in the Westbrook Sentinel Tribune, 1972.

Kitchenette Band

The Kitchenette Band during Hospital Days. Printed in the Westbrook Sentinel Tribune, 1972.

Black and white photograph of Kittison County horticulture exhibit, 1916.

Kittson County horticulture exhibit, State Fair

Kittson County horticulture exhibit, second premium winner at the 1916 Minnesota State Fair.

Klein Brickyard workers c.1910

Klein Brickyard workers

Top Row- August Buschkowsky, August Boldt, Bottom- Wm. "Bill" Griep, Herman Tiedeman, Rudolph Schoen, _______ Neubert, unknown, unknown, c.1910.

Kline Sanatorium

Kline Sanatorium

Photograph of the Sanatorium built by Dr. James Kline. This photograph pictures the staff assembled on the front porch, and shows the north and west sides of the building. Anoka County Historical Society, object ID #2057.3.6. Used with the permission of the Anoka County Historical Society.

Kline Sanatorium postcard

Kline Sanatorium postcard

Color postcard depicting the Kline Sanatorium, with the staff and Kline family gathered out front. Undated; photographer unknown. Anoka County Historical Society, object ID #2057.6.13. Used with the permission of the Anoka County Historical Society.

Knights of Labor plate

Knights of Labor plate

Clear oval pressed glass bread plate commemorating the Knights of Labor, c.1879.

Black and white photograph of an employee knitting a sock to cover an amputated limb, Winkley Artificial Limb Company, Minneapolis, 1937.

Knitting a sock to cover an amputated limb, Winkley Artificial Limb Company, Minneapolis

Knitting a sock to cover an amputated limb, Winkley Artificial Limb Company, Minneapolis, 1937.

Black and white photograph of Knud J. Taralseth, 1915. Originally published in Warren Sheaf, September 1, 1915.

Knud J. Taralseth

Knud J. Taralseth, 1915. Originally published in Warren Sheaf, September 1, 1915.

Knute Nelson

Knute Nelson

Knute Nelson, c.1895.


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