Kent Hrbek hits a sixth inning grand slam to put the Twins ahead 10-5 en route to their 11-5 Game Six victory.

Kent Hrbek's Grand Slam

Kent Hrbek hits a sixth inning grand slam to put the Twins ahead 10-5 en route to their 11-5 Game Six victory.

Kevin Garnett dunking

Kevin Garnett

Kevin Garnett drives to the basket for a slam dunk during a Minnesota Timberwolves game against the Washington Wizards, February 20, 2007. Photograph by Keith Allison. CC BY-SA 2.0.

Key used at Minnesota State Prison, Stillwater

Key used at Minnesota Territorial Prison (later Minnesota State Prison), Stillwater. It has the number "5" stamped into its head; it opened a prison guard's gate, possibly Gate 5.

Color image of keys from the first state capitol, found in the ruins of the burned-out building, 1881.

Keys from the first state capitol

Keys from the first state capitol, found in the ruins of the burned-out building, 1881.

Khmer New Year procession

Khmer New Year procession

Khmer New Year procession at Watt Munisotaram. Photograph by Will Yetvin, April 16, 2016.

Kid Cann

Kid Cann

Kid Cann, ca. 1935. Photo by George E. Luxton.

Kid Cann in handcuffs

Kid Cann in handcuffs

Isadore Blumenfeld (Kid Cann) handcuffed and led into federal custody, 1961. Photo by Don Black, Minneapolis Star Tribune.

Black and white photograph of the buildings of the Kiewel Brewing Company in Crookston, ca. 1910s

Kiewel Brewing Company

The buildings of the Kiewel Brewing Company in Crookston, ca. 1910s. The building on the right still stands in 2017.

Kilmarnock Bookstore trade labels

Two bookseller marks or book trade labels from the Kilmarnock Bookstore. The marks were usually stuck on the inside back cover of a book. Traditionally, they were a subtle way to advertise the store. Photographed by Patrick Coleman, 2015.

Black and white photograph of King Turkey Day Program, Worthington, Minnesota, ca. 1946.

King Turkey Day Program, Worthington

King Turkey Day Program, Worthington, Minnesota, ca. 1946.


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