Black and white photograph of Hilda Simms with her mother, Lydia Moses during a photo shoot for Life Magazine, c.1950.

Hilda Simms with her mother, Lydia Moses

Hilda Simms with her mother, Lydia Moses, during a photo shoot for Life Magazine, c.1950.

Black and white photograph of Hilda Simms with Earl Hollman and other actors from the Harlem Theater in New York City, c.1943.

Hilda Simms with other actors from the Harlem Theater

Hilda Simms (center right) with Earl Hollman and other actors from the Harlem Theater in New York City, ca. 1943.

Black and white photograph of Hill 609 in Tunisia, c.1943.

Hill 609 in Tunisia

Hill 609 in Tunisia as soldiers from the Thirty-fourth saw it from the west. Photograph is from the Rick Atkinson Collection.

Black and white photograph of the wedding of Charlotte Hill Slade, daughter of James J. Hill, at 240 Summit Avenue, St. Paul, 1901.

Hill family

Wedding of Charlotte Hill Slade, daughter of James J. Hill, at 240 Summit Avenue, St. Paul, 1901.

Black and white photograph of Hilter's Tombstone, c. 1945

Hilter's Tombstone

Hiltler's Tombstone, Cold Spring Granite Company, Cold Spring, Minnesota, c. 1945.

The Hinckley fire house, firemen, and Waterous steam fire engine, before September 1, 1894. The steam fire engine was manufactured in South St. Paul.

Hinckley fire house

The Hinckley fire house, firemen, and Waterous steam fire engine, before September 1, 1894. The steam fire engine was manufactured in South St. Paul.

Photograph of survivors of the 1894 Hinckley fire taken at the reunion held on the fiftieth anniversary of the fire, 1944. From the Betty Moore and family papers, 1848–1973 (bulk 1920–1950s), P2698, box 2. Manuscripts Collection, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.

Hinckley Fire survivors’ fiftieth reunion

Photograph of survivors of the 1894 Hinckley fire taken at the reunion held on the fiftieth anniversary of the fire, 1944. From the Betty Moore and family papers, 1848–1973 (bulk 1920–1950s), P2698, box 2. Manuscripts Collection, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.

Color image of the Hindu Temple of Minnesota in Maple Grove. Photographed by Flickr user Paul Weimer on September 4, 2011.

Hindu Temple (Mandir) of Minnesota

The Hindu Temple of Minnesota in Maple Grove. Photographed by Flickr user Paul Weimer on September 4, 2011.

Historic Mesaba Co-op Park – SHPO

A tour of Mesaba Co-op Park given my Caretaker Mikhail Gose-Simrak, August, 2012.

Color image of the Historic Post Office building in Anoka, 2008. Photographed by Wikimedia Commons user Elkman.

Historic Post Office, Anoka

Historic Post Office building in Anoka, 2008. Photographed by Wikimedia Commons user Elkman.


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