A resource for reliable information about significant people, places, events, and things in Minnesota history.
Interstate 35 exit for Highway 61, Duluth, Minnesota. Photograph by Wikimedia Commons user Tony Webster, March 10, 2018. CC BY 2.0
Highway 8 entering Interstate Park, Taylors Falls, MN, 1945.
Highway trucks delivering grasshopper poison to farmers, 1938.
Hiker on rocky hill in Lake Vermilion–Soudan Underground Mine State Park. Photograph by Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Staff, October 30, 2007.
A promotional photo taken early in Hilda Simms’s acting career, c.1940.
Hilda Simms (right) posed with one of her younger sisters, Laura, c.1955.
Hilda Simms (left) posed for a promotional photo for Life Magazine, ca.1945.
Hilda Simms posed for a photo in her dressing room, c.1943.
A promotional photograph of Hilda Simms for the film Black Widow, 1954.
Hilda Simms surrounded by her mother, several of her siblings, and nephews, c.1955.