A resource for reliable information about significant people, places, events, and things in Minnesota history.
The Harmony Opera House (now the Old Legion Hall) Harmony, Minnesota. Photograph by Amy Jo Hahn, 2018
Interior of the Harmony Opera House in Harmony, Minnesota. Photograph by Carl Robert Moen, ca. 1909.
Description: First frame structure built in 1897 to house Harmony Elementary and High School students in Harmony, Fillmore County. Used with the permission of the Harmony Area Historical Society.
The first frame school in Harmony (Fillmore County) ca. 1900.
Harmony signpost, March 5, 2006. GNU free documentation license 1.2.
A locomotive heading east makes a stop at the Harmony rail depot, circa 1899.
Harmony Train Depot freight door with the town’s name above. Photo taken in May 2018.
Water tower in Harmony (Fillmore County), Minnesota, May 2018. Photograph by Amy Jo Hahn, May 2018. Used with the permission of Amy Jo Hahn.
Harold Stassen and his wife, Esther Glewwe Stassen, c.1939.
Harold and Esther Stassen cast their ballots during an election, c.1940.