Photograph of Harmony's Concert Band, 1919

Harmony Concert Band

The Harmony Concert Band at the Minnesota State Fair, ca. 1919. The band played indoor concerts at the Harmony Opera House in Harmony, Minnesota, in the early 1900s.

Photograph of Harmony Concert Band

Harmony Concert Band

Harmony Concert Band at the Minnesota State Fair, ca. 1919. The band performed at summer concerts in Selvig Park.

Harmony Depot and McMichel Grain Elevator

Harmony Depot and McMichel Grain Elevator

The historic 1879 Harmony Train Depot and the McMichel Grain Elevator, circa 2018. The depot is on the left, the elevator on the right. The depot is called the Village Depot and is a tourist gift shop. Efforts are ongoing to preserve and restore the elevator.

Harmony Grain Elevators, ca 1885

Harmony Grain Elevators

Late 1800s grain elevators along Harmony’s rail tracks. The photo view looks west. The rail tracks are not visible in the photo. The tracks are located on the other side of the elevators.

Photograph of the first Harmony High School

Harmony High School

The first Harmony High School, a red brick structure built in Harmony in 1910. Used with the permission of the Harmony Area Historical Society.

Photograph of Harmony High School, 1910

Harmony High School

Harmony High School (Fillmore County), ca. 1910.

Photograph of Harmony High School, 1936

Harmony High School

Harmony High School (Fillmore County), 1936.

Photograph of Harmony High School, 1941

Harmony High School

Description: Harmony High School (Fillmore County), 1941.

Photograph of Harmony High School and Elementary School, 1941

Harmony High School

Harmony High School and Elementary School (Fillmore County), 1941.

Harmony High School, 1945

Harmony High School

Harmony High School (Fillmore County). Photograph by Mathias O. Bue, ca. 1945.


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