Gull Lake Dam site

Gull Lake Dam site

Gull Lake Dam site, October 7, 1911.

a gum tree mortar made by a Civil War soldier

Gum-tree mortar barrel

Mortar barrel made from the trunk of a gum tree and bound with iron bands. The mortar was made by a member of the Seventh Minnesota Infantry Regiment and used during the siege of Spanish Fort, Alabama, part of the March–April 1865 campaign against Mobile.

Gun Crew of the 151st Field Artillery

Gun Crew of the 151st Field Artillery

A gun crew of the 151st fires a M114 155mm howitzer at Camp Ripley, July 1980. Used with the permission of the Minnesota Military Museum, Camp Ripley.

Gun salute during the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Wounded Knee occupation

American Indian Movement (AIM) members honor those who died in the Wounded Knee occupation with a gun salute. Photograph by Jon Lurie, 1998. Used with the permission of Jon Lurie.

Gunflint Lake scenic overlook

Gunflint Lake scenic overlook

Gunflint Lake scenic overlook inside the Superior National Forest, July 22, 2017. Photograph by Flickr user Tony Webster, September 30, 2017. CC BY-SA 2.0

Gunflint Lodge on the Gunflint Trail in Northern Minnesota. Photograph by Tony Webster, July 22, 2017. CC-BY SA 2.0.

Gunflint Lodge

Gunflint Lodge on the Gunflint Trail in Northern Minnesota. Photograph by Tony Webster, July 22, 2017. CC-BY SA 2.0.

Grand Marais and Gunflint Trail promotional patch, ca. 1986.

Gunflint Trail promotional patch

Grand Marais and Gunflint Trail promotional patch, ca. 1986.

Gunflint Trail Scenic Byway

Gunflint Trail Scenic Byway

Cross-country skiers on the Gunflint Trail Scenic Byway, 1995–2013. Public domain.

A sign assembly at the start of the Gunflint Trail indicating the Scenic Byway, county road designation, and speed limit. Photograph by Wikimedia Commons user Molandfreak, January 25, 2016. GNU free documentation license 1.2.

Gunflint Trail Scenic Byway road sign

A sign assembly at the start of the Gunflint Trail indicating the Scenic Byway, county road designation, and speed limit. Photograph by Wikimedia Commons user Molandfreak, January 25, 2016. GNU free documentation license 1.2.

Gunnar Nordbye ca. 1925. Nordbye was one of the federal judges who handled cases related to the Minneapolis-based prostitution ring headquartered at John’s Bar and Funhouse.

Gunnar Nordbye

Gunnar Nordbye ca. 1925. Nordbye was one of the federal judges who handled cases related to the Minneapolis-based prostitution ring headquartered at John’s Bar and Funhouse.


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