A resource for reliable information about significant people, places, events, and things in Minnesota history.
Exterior of the larger Greenfield Lutheran Church, dedicated in 1913. Harmony, Minnesota, ca. 1973.
Front exterior of Greenfield Lutheran Church, Harmony, Minnesota. Photograph by Amy Jo Hahn, 2018. Used with the permission of Amy Jo Hahn.
Back exterior of Greenfield Lutheran Church, Harmony, Minnesota. Photograph by Amy Jo Hahn, 2018. Used with the permission of Amy Jo Hahn.
Side exterior of Greenfield Lutheran Church, Harmony, Minnesota, 2018. Photograph by Amy Jo Hahn, 2018. Used with the permission of Amy Jo Hahn.
The greenhouse at the St. Peter State Hospital (St. Peter, Minnesota), ca. 1925.
The family of Emily O. Goodridge Grey. From Patricia C. Harpole, ed., “The Black Community in Territorial St. Anthony: A Memoir,” Minnesota History 49, no. 2 (Summer 1984), 45.
Greyhound Bus Depot, located at First Avenue North and Seventh Street, Minneapolis, ca. 1935. Photograph by Charles W. Howson Company.
Exterior of the Griggs House, 432 Summit Avenue, St. Paul, c.1890. Original in Picturesque St. Paul, ed. J.G. Pyle.
Close-up view of a decorative grille inside the St. Paul Cathedral. Photographed by Paul Nelson on July 10, 2014.
Groundbreaking ceremony for clinic and congregate care facility in Westbrook, 1999. From the Sentinel Tribune (Westbrook).