Black and white photograph of two of the mounds, with walking path, at Indian Mounds Park, ca. 1900.

Two mounds at Indian Mounds Park

Two of the mounds with walking paths at Indian Moudns Park, ca. 1900.

Cabinet photograph of two male musicians, ca. 1905. Photo by Shepherd Photo Company.

Two musicians

Cabinet photograph of two male musicians, ca. 1905. Photo by Shepherd Photo Company.

Two of the leading skips in the St. Paul Curling club bonspiel.

Two of the leading skips in the St. Paul Curling club bonspiel

Two skips at a St. Paul Curling Club bonspiel. The man on the left is Ker Dunlop, who was a charter member of the St. Paul Curling Club, 1937.

Two people without housing sleeping under an I-94 overpass

Two people without housing sleeping under an I-94 overpass

Two people without housing sleeping under an I-94 overpass in Minneapolis. Photo by Mitch Kezor taken on November 11, 1981. Published with Jeff Brown, “Welfare—the Safety Net Slips: Number of Homeless Rises as Public Assistance Falls Short,” Minneapolis Star, November 13, 1981, 1. Original caption: “Crevices beneath I-94 overpass near Hennepin Avenue provided sleeping space for persons who have made the place home.” From box 477 of the Minneapolis and St. Paul newspaper negatives collection, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.

Two Trains Running

Two Trains Running

Actors onstage in August Wilson's Two Trains Running, 2003. From Penumbra Theatre Company records (GV002), Archie Givens, Sr. Collection of African American Literature, University of Minnesota Libraries, Minneapolis.

Two Valley Grove churches

Two Valley Grove churches

The two Valley Grove churches (built in 1862 and 1894, respectively), Nerstrand (Wheeling Township), Minnesota, 2019. Used with the permission of Rice County Historical Society.

Black and white photograph of two West Publishing Company employees, c.1967.

Two West Publishing Company employees

Two West Publishing Company employees, c.1967.

Two women and girl with bicycles

Two women and girl with bicycles

Two women and a girl with bicycles, 1897.

Two women in bathing suits under Minnehaha Falls

Two women in bathing suits under Minnehaha Falls

Photograph of two women in bathing suits under Minnehaha Falls. Captured by a Star Tribune photographer on June 22, 1938.

Black and white photograph of visitors below the falls, c.1869.

Two women watching Minnehaha Falls, Minneapolis.

Visitors pose on the bridge below the falls, c.1869.


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