Twine factory and warehouse

Twine factory and warehouse

Exterior view of the twine factory and warehouse at Minnesota State Prison, Bayport (later Stillwater). Photo by C. J. Hibbard, 1913.

Twine factory floor

Twine factory floor

The twine factory floor at Minnesota State Prison, Bayport (later Stillwater). Photo by C. J. Hibbard, ca. 1914.

Twine factory floor

Twine factory floor

Interior view of the twine factory at Minnesota State Prison, Bayfield (later Stillwater). Photo by C. J. Hibbard, ca. 1914.

Twine factory, Stillwater Prison

Twine factory, Stillwater Prison

Interior view of the twine factory at Minnesota State Prison, Stillwater, ca. 1900.

Twine factory, Stillwater Prison

Twine factory, Stillwater Prison

Interior view of the twine factory at Minnesota State Prison, Stillwater, ca. 1900.

Twine sample

Twine sample

Sample of baling twine produced by the twine factory at the Minnesota State Prison, Stillwater, between 1891 and 1925. Prisoners bundled the twine by coiling it, flattening the coil, and binding the coil in a tight cylindrical spiral.

Photograph of a twined bag made by a Somali weaver and elder.

Twined bag made by a Somali weaver and elder

Twined bag made by a Somali weaver and elder. Sold at the East African Women’s Center in Minneapolis, 2007.

Twins' catcher Tim Laudner watches a foul ball fly out of reach, and into the Metrodome seats.

Twins Catcher Tim Laudner

Twins' catcher Tim Laudner watches a foul ball fly out of reach, and into the Metrodome seats.

Twins manager Tom Kelly.

Twins manager Tom Kelly.

Twins manager Tom Kelly.

A Hamm’s poster celebrating the Minnesota Twins’ 1965 season. Hamm’s Brewing Company collaborated with professional sports teams in Minnesota and the Midwest as an advertising partner.

Twins/Hamm’s poster

A Hamm’s poster celebrating the Minnesota Twins’ 1965 season. Hamm’s Brewing Company collaborated with professional sports teams in Minnesota and the Midwest as an advertising partner.


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