Souvenir spoon from G.A.R. encampment

Souvenir spoon from G.A.R. encampment

Created by an unknown manufacturer for the Grand Army of the Republic National Encampment of 1896 held in St. Paul, Minnesota.

Soviet Jewry rally sign

Photograph of a sign used at a rally held in support of Soviet Jews in Minneapolis in March of 1987. The rally's attendees included members of the Minnesota-Dakota Action Committee (organized by the Jewish Community Relations Council). Used with the permission of the Nathan and Theresa Berman Upper Midwest Jewish Archives at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Color image of a Soybean aphid on a soybean leaf with pointy trichomes, 2009. Photographed by Claudio Gratton, University of Wisconsin.

Soybean aphid

Soybean aphid on a soybean leaf with pointy trichomes, 2009. Photographed by Claudio Gratton, University of Wisconsin.

SPAM can furniture

Recycled tin cans converted into doll furniture. Items include a rocking chair, armchair, and loveseat. All three seats are covered with red cushions. The chairs were made from round cans; the love seat was made from a SPAM can. Purchased in Austin, Minnesota, ca. 1965.

SPAM bank

SPAM coin bank

Twelve-ounce coin bank used to promote the dedication of a SPAM plant in Austin, Minnesota, on September 12, 1982. The lid has a horizontal slit in which to insert coins.

Spangenberg clock shelf

Spangenberg clock shelf

Clock shelf, Eastlake style, used by the Spangenberg family, 1890s.

The cover of Babes in Toyland’s 1991 debut album, Spanking Machine. The photograph on the sleeve shows (clockwise, left to right) Lori Barbero, Kat Bjelland, and Michelle Leon.

Spanking Machine LP

The cover of Babes in Toyland’s 1991 debut album, Spanking Machine. The photograph on the sleeve shows (clockwise, left to right) Lori Barbero, Kat Bjelland, and Michelle Leon.

Sparre Round Barn (Nowthen, Minnesota), undated. Photographer unidentified. Barn Anoka County Historical Society, Object ID# P2066.A10-001. Used with the permission of Anoka County Historical Society.

Sparre Round Barn

Sparre Round Barn (Nowthen, Minnesota), undated. Photographer unidentified. Anoka County Historical Society, Object ID# P2066.A10-001. Used with the permission of Anoka County Historical Society.

Sparre Round Barn (Nowthen, Minnesota), 1979. Photograph by Lynne VanBrocklin Spaeth.

Sparre Round Barn

Sparre Round Barn (Nowthen, Minnesota), 1979. Photograph by Lynne VanBrocklin Spaeth.

Black and white photograph of SPCO musician Carolyn Daws working with local music students, 1983.

SPCO musician Carolyn Daws working with music students

SPCO musician Carolyn Daws working with local music students, 1983.


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