Southdale, Edina.

Southdale, Edina

Southdale, Edina. Photographer: Minneapolis Star Journal Tribune, 8/14/1956.

Southdale, view of courtyard restaurant, Edina.

Southdale, view of courtyard restaurant, Edina

Southdale, view of courtyard restaurant, Edina.
Photographer: Minneapolis Star Journal Tribune, 10/4/1956.

Color image of the southeast corner of Pioneers and Soldiers Memorial Cemetery Cemetery, at the corner of East Lake Street and Twenty-first Avenue South in Minneapolis, 2016. Photographed by Paul Nelson.

Southeast corner of Pioneers and Soldiers Memorial Cemetery

The southeast corner of Pioneers and Soldiers Memorial Cemetery Cemetery, at the corner of East Lake Street and Twenty-first Avenue South in Minneapolis, 2016. Photographed by Paul Nelson.

Black and white photograph of the southeast face of the Banfill Tavern–Locke House, 1978.

Southeast face of the Banfill Tavern–Locke House

Southeast face of the Banfill Tavern–Locke House, 1978.

Painting of a Southern Minnesota lake scene by Herbjorn Gausta

Southern Minnesota lake scene

Southern Minnesota Lake Scene by Herbjorn Gausta (before 1888) in the collections of the Vesterheim Museum in Decorah, Iowa.

Southside neighborhood, City of Minneapolis 2010 Census Tract and Blockgroup with Neighborhood Map.

Southside neighborhood, City of Minneapolis 2010 Census Tract

Southside neighborhood, City of Minneapolis 2010 Census Tract and Blockgroup with Neighborhood Map.

Southwest corner of the Capitol construction site

Southwest corner of the capitol construction site

Capitol construction site showing the fence that was put up to keep out non-workers to prevent them from being hurt. Original caption on print: “No 191, Minnesota State Capitol, South West Corner, Cass Gilbert Architect, June 1, 1901.” Photograph album, May 1896–November 1905 (+Reserve 47, Box 2). Minnesota Board of State Capitol Commissioners records, 1892–1914.

Southwest section of Civilian Conservation Corps Camp Rabideau F-50, looking northeast, with (left to right) picnic shelter, barracks, forest service officer’s quarters, and hospital. Photo by Jerry Mathiason, 1994. From box 1 (144.G.8.4F) of Historic American Buildings Survey records related to Minnesota structures, 1882-2001, 1883. Manuscripts Collection, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.

Southwest section of Camp Rabideau

Southwest section of Civilian Conservation Corps Camp Rabideau F-50, looking northeast, with (left to right) picnic shelter, barracks, forest service officer’s quarters, and hospital. Photo by Jerry Mathiason, 1994. From box 1 (144.G.8.4F) of Historic American Buildings Survey records related to Minnesota structures, 1882-2001, 1883. Manuscripts Collection, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.

Southwest view of the Kline Sanatorium, ca. 1978

Southwest view of the Kline Sanatorium, 1978

Southwest view of the Kline Sanatorium, April 6, 1978. Photograph by Robert Kirchner. Anoka County Historical Society, object ID #2057.2.16. Used with the permission of the Anoka County Historical Society.

Souvenir beer can from Anoka Halloween Celebration, 1978

A souvenir beer can from the 1978 Anoka Halloween Celebration.


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