Wolves in snowfall

Wolves in snowfall

Two ambassador wolves captured in an early winter snowfall, 2019. Photo by International Wolf Center staff.

Black and white photograph of a woman and baby posing in front of the band shell in Hanover, ca. 1925–1930.

Woman and baby pose in front of the band shell in Hanover

A woman and baby pose in front of the band shell in Hanover, ca. 1925–1930.

Woman and bicycle

Woman and bicycle

Woman with a bicycle, c.1900.

Black and white photograph of a woman and turkeys, ca. 1930. Photograph by Minneapolis Star Journal Tribune.

Woman and turkeys

Woman and turkeys, ca. 1930. Photograph by the Minneapolis Star Journal Tribune.

Woman at work in a factory

Woman at work in a factory

Woman with coworkers inside a factory in Minneapolis, 1944.

Woman Citizen Building

Woman Citizen Building

Located on the State Fairgrounds, the Woman Citizen Building was intended to be a place for women to congregate. The Scandinavian Woman Suffrage Association raised the funds to build the center, then turned it over to the Minnesota Woman Suffrage Association in 1917.

Black and white photograph of the Woman Citizen Building, 1917 Minnesota State Fair.

Woman Citizen Building at the 1917 Minnesota State Fair

Woman Citizen Building, 1917 Minnesota State Fair.

Black and white photograph of a woman driving a car with a child in the backseat, with accompanying quote, by Jane Kramer, 2004. From collection, "Photographs and Stories of Refugee Women: Perseverance, Dignity, Strength, Hope, and Peace."

Woman driving a car with a child in the backseat

A woman driving a car with a child in the backseat, with accompanying quote, 2004. Photograph by Jane Kramer.

Black and white photograph of a woman in the office of the Jewish Family Welfare Association, Minneapolis, c.1925.

Woman in office of the Jewish Family Welfare Association, Minneapolis

Woman in the office of the Jewish Family Welfare Association, Minneapolis, c.1925.

Black and white photograph of a woman on a farm ironing, ca. 1925.

Woman on a farm ironing

Woman on a farm ironing, ca. 1925.


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