A resource for reliable information about significant people, places, events, and things in Minnesota history.
Winslow House, where an early version of Macalester College held classes for a short time (ca. 1870).
Winslow House Hotel, St. Anthony, ca. 1870.
Winslow House, St. Anthony, 1860.
Cabinet photograph of the Winter Carnival ice palace in St. Paul's Central Park, 1886. Photograph by Allen Swain.
Winter in Cusson, St. Louis County, Minnesota, 1927.
Winter on the Devil Track of the Gunflint Trail. Photograph by Norton & Peel, March 20, 1955.
Winter operations training at Camp Ripley, ca. 1980.
A winter sunset in Frontenac State Park. Photo by Jacob Gaster, December 16, 2022. Used with permission.
Witch Tree Variation, 1982. Drawn by George Morrison.
Francis Lee Jaques, Wolf Diorama. Taxidermy diorama, 1940. Photography by Kit Larson. Used with the permission of the Bell Museum and the University of Minnesota.