Merchants National Bank, Third and Lafayette, Winona

Merchants National Bank, Third and Lafayette, Winona

Merchants National Bank, Third and Lafayette, Winona, 1959. Photographer: Eugene Debs Becker.

Merchants National Bank, Winona

Merchants National Bank, Winona

Merchants National Bank, Winona, 1972.

Black and white photograph of Meridel Le Sueur, c. 1940.

Meridel Le Sueur

Meridel Le Sueur, c.1940.

Black and white photograph of Meridel Le Sueur (right) with writer and poet Molly Culligan (left), 1980.

Meridel Le Sueur (right) with writer and poet Molly Culligan (left)

Meridel Le Sueur (right) with writer and poet Molly Culligan (left), 1980.

Black and white photograph of Meridel Le Sueur, c.1975.

Meridel Le Sueur, c.1975.

Meridel Le Sueur, c.1975.

Black and white photograph of Merion Lovelace, daughter of Delos and Maud Hart Lovelace, c.1931.

Merion Lovelace, daughter of Delos and Maud Hart Lovelace

Merion Lovelace, daughter of Delos and Maud Hart Lovelace, c.1931.

Merriam Park Floral and Gift Company, 2250 University Avenue, St. Paul, 1960, lost to freeway construction. Photo by St. Paul Dispatch-Pioneer Press.

Merriam Park Floral and Gift Company

Merriam Park Floral and Gift Company, 2250 University Avenue, St. Paul, 1960, lost to freeway construction. Photo by St. Paul Dispatch-Pioneer Press.

Merriam Park Pharmacy, St. Anthony and Prior Avenues, St. Paul, ca. 1910. This building was lost to construction of Interstate 94.

Merriam Park Pharmacy

Merriam Park Pharmacy, St. Anthony and Prior Avenues, St. Paul, ca. 1910. This building was lost to construction of Interstate 94.

Black and white photograph of Merrill Dwelle, member of the Second Company of Minnesota Sharpshooters, c.1864. Photograph by Joel Emmons Whitney.

Merrill Dwelle

Merrill Dwelle, member of the Second Company of Minnesota Sharpshooters, c.1864. Photograph by Joel Emmons Whitney.

Black and white photograph of Merritt J. Osborn, founder of Economics Laboratory, later Ecolab, ca. 1950s.

Merritt J. Osborn

M. J. Osborn, ca. 1950s. Osborn never finished high school, but the salesman-turned-entrepreneur saw a need for institutional and consumer cleaning products, leading to the 1923 foundation of Economics Laboratory, later known as Ecolab. From Ecolab Company Records, Minnesota Historical Society.


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