Portraits of members of the Simonet and Wolf families

Members of the Simonet and Wolf families

Members of the Simonet and Wolf families. From the Scheller family papers; used with the permission of Therese Scheller.

Black and white photograph of members of the Sixteenth Battalion of the Minnesota Home Guard, c.1918. After petitioning the governor, African American citizens formed their own battalion in order to serve.

Members of the Sixteenth Battalion of the Minnesota Home Guard

Members of the Sixteenth Battalion of the Minnesota Home Guard, c.1918. After petitioning the governor, African American citizens formed their own battalion in order to serve.

Black and white photograph of members of the Socialist Workers Party demonstrating, c.1935.

Members of the Socialist Workers Party demonstrating

Members of the Socialist Workers Party demonstrating, c.1935.

Members of the St. Paul Curling Club

Members of the St. Paul Curling Club

Curling at the St. Paul Curling Club, undated.

Members of the St. Paul Curling Club.

Members of the St. Paul Curling Club

Curling club members receiving a trophy, undated.

Members of the St. Paul Curling Club during practice

Members of the St. Paul Curling Club during practice

The St. Paul Curling Club at practice, 1940.

Black and white photograph of members of the St. Paul section of the National Council of Jewish Women, 1933. Pictured are Mrs. Segal, Mrs. Firestone, Mrs. Bronstein, and Mrs. Phillips.

Members of the St. Paul section of the National Council of Jewish Women

Members of the St. Paul section of the National Council of Jewish Women, 1933. Pictured are Mrs. Segal, Mrs. Firestone, Mrs. Bronstein, and Mrs. Phillips.

Members of the 3rd Minnesota Regiment, Company F in camp at Nashville, Tennessee

Members of the Third Minnesota Regiment, Company F in camp at Nashville, Tennessee

Members of the Third Minnesota Regiment, Company F in camp at Nashville, Tennessee, 1862.

Members of the Workmen's Circle

Members of the Workmen's Circle

Members of the Minneapolis Workmen's Circle, c.1920. Forms part of the Sharron and Oren Steinfeldt Photography Collection, Theresa and Paul Berman Upper Midwest Jewish Archives, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Members of WARM

Members of WARM

Members of the Women’s Art Registry of Minnesota (WARM) gather on the fifth anniversary of the opening of WARM Gallery. Photograph by Judy Stone Nunnelly, 1981. From box 5 (152.F.1.1B) of the Women’s Art Registry of Minnesota (WARM) organizational records. Manuscripts Collection, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.


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